
Active Member
Why oh why have I done the any bull elk hunt the last 3 years. Saw a group of cows last year and felt cool. I don't get it how guys like me that like to hunt a lot get sucked into thinking this is the year it will all change. LE elk hunts only for me, maybe someday :), from now on and oh yes the general deer hunt!

Sure there are people that get bulls on the any bull units but I'm guessing they worked their asses off more so than I am willing to do to see that maybe one bull one the mountain.

Have hunted Strawberry Point on Cedar mountain and haven't seen anything other than those nice ole cows.

Forgive me for my rant.

Anyone got some cool stories or pics from any bull hunts? Or what are some other thoughts on the any bull hunts? Does Utah know that there are no bulls on these mountains?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-10 AT 06:40PM (MST)[p]The elk hunting is better than its ever been imo. Here's my dads bull from yesterday. He has let 4 spikes and a 3x4 in a hole go. Killed this one in a relatively easy spot.
Opening morning we got into them. My dad jumped a pretty nice 6 point I stopped him with cow calls, he went into the trees, I called him back, he went back into the trees and I called him back 1 more time, then went up to where he was and he was still standing there. My dad thought I was just screwing around with my calls......
The herd bull bugled in my brothers face at 30 yards but it was too thick and couldn't get a shot. He shot at a raghorn but killed a tree instead... Oh I didn't have a gun or I'd have a 6 point!


Hey justr,
That looks like a SouthSlope Bull!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hey justr!
Looks like you boys are gonna be chewin on lots of Elk Meat this Fall!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Those bulls arent from the zion unit! Its a tough hunt unless u have a piece of private property to hunt. Ive been on strawberry to and all I saw was a bunch of hunters.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-10 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]The first year(98)I tried the Any Bull Hunt I shot a 7x6. It was pure luck. I seen 8 elk and he was the only bull. I was surrounded by a bunch of people and I guess I was in the right place at the right time. I tried it the next year and wondered why I was wasting my time. Haven't done it since. I remember looking at some stats on the DWR website and I couldn't believe the elk heard size on that unit. It was next to nothing. The hunter success rate on that unit was 2%. Still makes me laugh how that hunt turned out. Oh and yes it was shot on that ridge/point that you speek of. You guys can have it!

There are bulls! You have to work hard for them. I see them every year. My bull last year, any bull unit, passed up several rag horns and spikes before him. Last day, and yes I worked my tail off for him.


I've had good success on any bull hunts..funny thing tho, I hardly ever see any hunters once you leave the main trails or roads..Good opportunists dont even hunt that hunt, they sit on MM and whine that they cant draw a LE tag.
I love the people with the poor attitudes towards the any bull unit. I wish people would just quit altogather. I will admit its not easy but it is very doable People should just stay off the open bull it sucks lol..
Let me show ya a pic of a bull I feel like I might have an honest chance at if the weather works out for my muzzy open bull almost had his sheds 2 years in a row but a friend of mine has beat me to them every time. I beleive these sheds from him given a 40 inch spread goes 363 thats with the broken points I am thinking he will be some were in the 380 neighborhood this year if he is still alive and not broke.



I didn't see him last year til the muzzy season was over a week or two I can't remember I know that this bull could have been taken with the youth late tag however. I hope he shows up..

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