Ants and Yellow Jackets


Long Time Member
Instead of reaching for that expensive can of Raid and spraying insecticide in your home, here's an alternative. When you get down to the last 1/4 inch of Shampoo or dishwashing soap, fill the bottle with water and transfer it to a pump spray bottle.

It will not only kill the ants in your home, but it's non-toxic, less expensive, and doesn't leave the area smelling like chemicals. If you got big trails outside the house that need instant extermination I use Terro Powder, it instantly stops them for weeks. Then I follow up with what I call Ant Crack, the Terro ant baits.

Most here are probably familiar with making homestyle Yellow Jacket traps out of some wire and a coffee can a little meat and some soapy water. If not let me know.

To remove nests I use the same method of leftover shampoo or dishwasher soap and mixed with water and spray down the Yellow Jacket nests, within a 30 seconds the Yellow Jackets drop dead, then I remove the nests.

My kids have a blast taking in a little wingshooting and go around the yard spraying them with the bottle. Soapy water, and especially shampoo mixed with water kills yellow jackets really quick!
Yeah! me too ... WD40 works well but it's kinda expensive. In our little corner of the world right now it's BITING FLIES (deer & horse flies) those little suckers hurt! My wife goes on SLUG patrol in our back yard every morning using oridnary dish soap ... kills them dead. "She tried it on me once but I survived" <smile>

sounds good to me rus. i thought we called that wife repelant. run around work up a sweat kick back she will leave you alone.but sleep with one eye open it may be a trick. oakey
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]LESGO54,

Take a coffee can and poke 2 small holes on opposite ends about half way up the can. Take a piece of bailing wire and place one end thru the hole and shisk-bob salami, ham, turkey, meat, on the bailing wire and thru the opposite hole.

Fill the can with soapy water (try not to get any on the meat) until it is just touching the bottom of the hanging meat.

Place the can away in an area where the yellow jackets are. This works well especially well out in the country. At our deer camp we set about a dozen of these. The yellow jacket crawl over the meat, their wings hit the soapy water, then they fall in the water and die. If you do it right you'll be amazed at the results. Eventually they'll strip off the meat, dump the can at night and re-bait in the morning.


If you have a big mega-nest in the ground take a full bottle of dishwashing soap and empty it into a 5 gallon container of water. They'll usually have a couple entry points, block those off quietly with a board or a rock. Then tip over the 5 gallon container down the main entrance. THEN RUN LIKE HELL, THEY WILL COME OUT BY THE HUNDREDS, MOST WILL DIE WITHIN 5-10 MINUTES!!

Repeat a couple times and you'll kill off the entire nest.

Good Luck!
My trap is similar. I get a big frying pan and put about an inch of water in it and add dishsoap, then put a rock in the middle that just sticks out of the water then lay a piece of meat on the rock. Same resuls. Then just drain the water and add eggs to them for a real western omelet.

Wasp's an Yellowjackets are beneficial
I'm disappointed you Kali boys are killing them.
I thought a little better of you.

I have trouble believing FTW has ever had hay
wire in his hands at any given moment.

Bet there was no hay in it.
You got me Irv! Boy did you ever get me. Don'ts know what a frogger is or why fellers sometimes knee a horse in the side when they sinch up saddle? Ain't never laid out a mile of fencing let alone knows about tossing bails of hay with them fancy hooks. I've only seen it on tellyvison.

Thanks Irv, now everybody knows...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-07 AT 09:29AM (MST)[p]Shampoo and dishwashing soap are environmentally friendly too. Good tip FTW. Some years, in some places, a trap of some kind is the only way to deal with the buggers!

Irv, not all Californians are bad! D13er eats the ones he kills!:)


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