Antlers vs Horns



As shed hunters, we all know the difference between an antler and a horn, but alot of times I say horn, or bone, or whatever. I posted a video of my dog finding "HORNS" a couple weeks ago, and in the video I said "find the horn Jake", and I got a funny comment sent to me, and just thought I would post it up for you guys just for entertainment. here is the comment.

-----"There are few things in life that really piss me off. That being said, I just want to say STOP CALLING ANTLERS, HORNS! Antlers are re-grown every year (hint, shed antlers), Horns are grown throughout an animals lifetime. Antlers are one solid piece of bone, horns are hollow. Antlers are grown from protiens and minerals therefore making it true bone, horns are made from keratin (like a fingernail). I dont know why people around the world have a hard time calling antlers, antlers. It should be common knowledge to people who live around hunting and especially shed hunt. Anyways, if the dog found those sheds without you placing them in those spots first congrats, thats super great. If you placed them there than dont forget to remember that your dog can smell your human scent over the antler and is most likely smelling you not the antler. "-----

Anyways I got a kick out of it, and the guy is right, but it makes me want to call them horns all the time, just to piss off politically correct poeple like that. That bieng said, when I train my dogs I like to use single syllable words like shed or horn, just because that is easier for my dog to understand. My dog could care less what I call them, he knows what he is looking for.
that's funny... maybe he should look up the urban
dictionary ... horn is the slang word for antler. alotta many antlers...ect.

Dakota that gave me a good chuckle as well. I'm sure you know the difference of the two anyways. hahaha. I know your not alone as i say the same when working with my dog goose. as you can tell by my signature below every post i have ever made on MM. Keep up the good work with finding sheds and remember if you place the horn their your dog smells your human scent! (oh wait you already knew that). Find the horn Goose!
Funny. Only those lacking self confidence, refuse to call a shed a horn on occasion. In the words of a famous actor, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damm."

Wow! THAT is one of the "few things in life" that gets him that cranked up? Seems like there are alot of other things that should get you fired up long before you pop a cork over someone calling an antler a horn.
He must think everyone around him is an idiot ("remember that your dog can smell your human scent over the antler and is most likely smelling you not the antler") Who doesn't know that? A 4 year old? "I dont know why people around the world have a hard time calling antlers, antlers. It should be common knowledge to people who live around hunting and especially shed hunt" Duh. Of course its common knowledge, it's because we are so familiar with "antlers" that we can feel free to call them horns. Don't forget to thank him for taking the time to educate us with his deep knowledge of the outdoors. Whaaall, ima offta find me a horn o' tew!
Thanks for the laugh!
There are a few things that piss me off too! I'm so sick and tired of people writing other people emails and not using proper punctuation! I mean c'mon we all know that when you quote yourself (STOP CALLING ANTLERS, HORNS!)that the text belongs in quotation marks. Also, no comma was necessary after the word 'antlers'. You don't begin the second part of a sentence after a comma with a capital letter, unless it's a proper noun. Protein was misspelled. Forgot to use an apostrophe. Extra comma.

I could go on.

This guy needs a hobby.
Hahaha. Last year when I got to see Dakota work for the sheds, and you said find the horn, I almost wanted to say "it's an antler" just to be annoying. I call them horns all the time, and i'm sure a lot of people do too. calling a buck willow horned sounds much better then willow antlered. horns, antlers, bones.. ehh as long as your dogs know what you're talking about you're fine (and your dog obviously knows what it means!)
I guess under his definition, I'm going to find my next antelope with the biggest set of antlers, seeing as how they shed their "horns" every year.
Their is a big difference between someone using the word "horn" incorrectly and knowing it, and someone using it incorrectly and not knowing it. You know what I mean, a hunter/sportsman vs someone like my mother in-law. That is when it can be annoying, IMO.

Furthermore, who wants to always have to pronounce a two syllable word when training your dog when you can substitute it with a one syllable word? Anyone who has spent time training a dog will agree with me.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Did it come from that idiot in NV who has a kiniption fit every time someones says horn?Horn,antler,bone,shed...who cares?
The American antelope, no longer the "pronghorn" but the "prongantler"? ...a forkhorn buck deer, a fork-antlered buck, a "willow-horn" buck, a "willow-antlered buck"... "I'm goin' horn huntin' " or "I'm goin' shed antler huntin' ", "What a set of horns on that hawg!" What a set of antlers on that deer!"...I could go on...'politically' or in this case 'scientifically' correct SUCKS!!
The best is when you tell someone you went hunting and they ask if you caught anything. I always tell them I did but it was a catch and release area.
It's good to know that most of us you can relate. The other thing that is getting on my nerves a little, is the classic question of "What do you do with them". It seems like whenever I tell someone I shed hunt, that is the first thing that comes out of there mouth. My best response is usually "I put them in a pile", which they just don't understand, so then comes the next question. Why don't you make something out of them, or build an arch. I just laugh now, and explain that I just like to collect them. It really boggles my mind when I run into someone that doesn't even know that deer shed there horns. Last year, I missed one of my sons baseball games, and some of the other parents asked my wife where I was, when she said I was shed hunting, they thought she meant for a "Tool shed". I laughed my butt off when I heard that.
I call them horns 98.37458% of the time.

I will admit I can't stand seeing a post about "Goat" hunting and find a 10" antelope...I mean pronghorn instead of an actual mountain goat.
I wonder if he uses that famous term for elk...."rag horn"? Don't know, maybe I am the only one?

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