Anti's Trying to Ban Bowhunting

I don't know what to think about this thread not having any responses so far. Maybe it's because us bowhunters don't believe it can really happen, but the minute we start thinking this way, it will end up biting us in the backside. IMO there are many more bowhunting enthusiasts than anti's, but from the article, this may not make a difference with the kind of funding they have available to ban bowhunting. We need to stay informed and squash this before it even gets a leg to stand on.
Very disturbing to those of us who only know the bow and arrow as a means of hunting and way of life. I've already forwarded a copy of the e-mail to NFAA and CBH (California Bowmen Hunters) for our legal representatives to review. I know one thing, when they try this it will be a fight!

For those who reside in other states, make sure you forward this e-mail to your state archery organizations. Communication between ALL the state organizations is the key to combat these types of issues.

BOHNTR )))---------->
How and why would somone be absurd enough to try to ban one of if not the oldest Hunting sport in the United states.
This is outrageous.

We should start a movement to ban anti-hunting organizations. Or even better, do a little research and find out what their leaders enjoy doing and work to have it banned. Just to give them a taste of their own medicine.

In this day and age the answer to your question is, Because they can. And secondly they do it through mis-information and playing on emotions. One cannot sit around and say it just cannot happen. One has to be on the forefront of defense.

Unfortunately its like being charged criminally or civilly now days. You have to defend yourself no matter the cost. Yet in the end when you are right, the accuser has nothing to have been responsible for.

On another subject if we made all the silly lawsuits have the financial responsibility of owing the defenses bills if found "innocent" then a lot would change.

I might get some flack for this but I think that some of the tv shows on the outdoor channel give hunters a bad name and portray hunters as lazy. The shows I'm talking about are the ones' that take place in the eastern US. The shows that have a hunter sit inside a scent proof "BLIND" as they call them. These things have carpet and heaters and probably a kitchen sink too with a little fridge for beverages and such. Then they kill their deer and talk about how it was such a hard hunt and the conditions were tough.

I can't stand these shows and the message they send. In my mind this isn't hunting. These types of shows will only provide ammo for the anti's to show the non-hunting public that all hunters are this lazy and how unchallenging it looks. I think that this hunting style gives hunters a bad name.
So what groups look after our rights the best? Where should our money be going? I think our biggest weakness is all of the small organizations. We need one nationally recognized organization to defend our rights. Is there such an organization?

Thad Okerlund
I agree with the last post. There are are groups like the IBO, national sportsmans alliance, and even the NRA that do a good job of defending our interest. We need to get the word out and maybe do some merging of our own because this is a serious threat to all hunting and fishing, not just bow hunting. If we as hunters are united, these anti's wont have a chance and they know it. I believe at the last count there were approximately 15 million hunters in the U.S. If we all gave fifty bucks to the cause every six months or so, we could crush the competion.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-04 AT 05:37PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-04 AT 05:32?PM (MST)

This thread on a forum of 6500 + registered members is a start.

Get in touch with your States Bowhunting Organizations. If you're not a member join up!

The Colorado Bowhunters Association has already been in Contact with the U.S. Sportmen's Alliance and is planning on contacting many other organizations.

I will give you an update at a later date.

Brian, do you think we can get some links on this website that can inform and update others on issues like this?

Feel free to E-mail me if you have any questions.

The is a source to keep informed.

Vince Martinez
Denver Metro (West) Regional Director
Colorado Bowhunters Association

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