Antis hypocracy



This is what the antis want. They want all people to be with-out guns so that jokers like these can sell guns on the black market and make a fortune. Only those that obtain them illegally will be able to arm themselves. Keep this in mind next time you talk about banning certain guns. Bans don't prevent criminals from obtaining them. They ban law abiding citizens from obtaining them.,2933,323727,00.html

LOS ANGELES ? A former gang member who founded an anti-violence group called No Guns has pleaded no contest to federal weapons charges.

Hector "Big Weasel" Marroquin, 51, and co-defendant Sylvia Arrellano, 25, entered pleas Thursday for three counts of manufacture, distribution and transport for sale of an unlawful assault weapon.

Arrellano also pleaded no contest to machine gun conversion and possessing a silencer and acknowledged that the crime was committed for the benefit of a criminal street gang.

She was given until Tuesday to surrender for sentencing and would likely be sentenced to four years in prison, prosecutors said.

Marroquin attorney Patrick Smith did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment Thursday. No phone listing was available for Arrellano.

Marroquin was arrested in June at his Downey home following a nine-month investigation into weapons sales by the 18th Street gang, to which he once belonged.

Arrellano was arrested at a Cudahy home as a result of the same investigation

Marroquin founded No Guns in 1996, ostensibly to reduce gang and gun violence. The group received $1.5 million from the city as a subcontractor on anti-gang efforts but its contract was canceled last year after authorities learned that Marroquin had hired relatives, including his son, Hector "Little Weasel" Marroquin.

The son is an acknowledged 18th Street gang member who pleaded no contest in June 2007 to home-invasion robbery and was sentenced to nine years in state prison.
That story was in american rifleman was'nt it? It's a croc, like its been said before "when they outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns" .

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Yea, and when the limp-wristed left Hillary lovers get in control they will legalize drugs and then only crooks will have guns and do drugs. . .
I read this on foxnew this morning. It could have been published somewhere else too.

When I hear these stories it reminds me of the movie Tombstone. They banned guns "in town" but somehow these guns kept killing people in town. What is it going to take for people to realize that criminals don't abide by the law, regardless of how many laws or bans you pass.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-08 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]Fire up the solar powered electric chair and start thining the herd. The laws that pertain to crimes comitted with a firearm are pretty good. We just let them apeal till they die of natural causes. I understand if someone was convicted on surcumstantial evidence they should have the right to apeal where as maybe DNA or something like that could prove the man innocent. Its happened before, proven fact. But the jerk off's that are caught red-handed without reasonable doubt, throw the switch, clean up the prison system, and make room.....:)

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!

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