Anti-Hunter Email I Received


Founder Since 1999
Just thought I'd share this one with you all. Who's up for some crock wrestling? Sounds fun to me.


Do you really think that this defensive animal is a trophy,seriously? Only,insecure men would brag about the killing of a defenceless deer .

What makes it a sport? There is no sport when you purchase a high powered weapon to take down a submissive and passive animal. Enlist in Afghanistan if you are empowered with a weapon.
The mentality behind such dysfunctional rhetoric is clinical.
Go jump in a river and out sport a crock that might be something to brag about?? But, playing hunter as a grown man is challenging or thinking you are victorious by killing a passive animal is ridiculous. Did you pick on the weaker third grader,too?
Its cowardly and only a means to enhance a broken ego. As I said,if you need attention and need to boost your insecure ego, go get a real trophy.
Go wrestle a crock or take out a radical from Afghanistan.


Brian Latturner
This sounds like a misguided individual who was not allowed to explore mother nature to well.You should invite them on ascoutting trip and then a weekend hunt also...
BigFin got a little bit of hate mail (a fricken ton) after his wolf hunt episodes. Some of it funny, some not so much. Lotsa wackos out there. And to think they feel WE are the wackos. mtmuley
Founder, invite this person on a hunt. Then take them to the secret clubhouse. That ought to cure 'em!

The poor liberal tree hugger isn't quite as edumacated as he is trying to sound.
What if it's a "passive" croc that doesn't want to wrestle? Is it still ok to wrestle the croc? ;-)
And that young submissive, passive carrot you ripped out of the ground? Why don't you become a man and wrestle some poison ivy or even a giant cactus? Or those submissive, passive flies you swat all day with that high powered fly swatter? Cowboy up and wrestle a scorpion with your bare hands! Now that would be a trophy!
Give this individual a rifle and have them go try and kill a deer... Harder than it looks. These deer are't innocent.... they uh... they eat the rich people's bushes! They must be stopped! :)
No! I do not think a defenseless animal is a trophy. That is why I choose to hunt animals with acute sight, exceptional hearing, incredible speed and agility, able to reach speeds of over 30 mph and go over 20 feet in a single bound, while clearing 6 foot high obstacal's.And its all rolled up in natural camouflage.
What makes it a sport, Well according to the definition of 'sport' I learned in school (a competitive physical activity) The hunting I do, matches SPORT to a tee. But does bring into question several other "sports" I wont name here to avoid stepping on the wrong toes (in golf shoes) =).JK
A real trophy, HMMM, you mean ( a reward for special achievement that serves as recognition, or evidence of merit). Well I guess the Antlers, mounts and pics I have from hunting trips fill the REAL trophy requirement just dandy.
As for your use of words like; Mentally,Dysfunctional, Rhetoric,,and ...oh ya clinical. I must say you have an exceptional vocabulary. I would also like to say you have in your vocabulary the precise words to describe yourself.
As for your suggestion to go to Afghanistan to find a radical,I would just like to ask , Why go there, I just responded to you. Or are you in Afghanistan. And as for the crock, well yes its my opinion your a the only crock in this thread that no man would be willing to get wet and wrestle with.
>Founder, invite this person on a
>hunt. Then take them to
>the secret clubhouse. That ought
>to cure 'em!


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