

Long Time Member

Last year I actually got to shoot my first antelope. Unfortunately due to a poor shot on my part I did not get any good pictures of him since he was recovered right at dark. However he was a pretty nice one even though he had a broken prong. Well I finally got to mount him so here are the finished pictures for enjoyment. Hope yall have a great antelope season coming up.

during these "Dog Days",always nice to see photos/mounts from last season.Thanks for posting,nice mount... Bruce & SilverGrand
Very nice looking mount. I'll be headed to Wyoming to chase them for a week with the muzzleloader in less then three weeks. Antelope is always fun and with a muzzleloader it really makes it exciting!!!
Much Thanks guys. Hope yall find the one yall are looking for this season. Doesn't look like I will get to kill one this year but I will be able to help a friend look for one. Should be a lot of fun.



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