Antelope winter kill?


Active Member
Eastman boys put an article out in their newsletter saying that Western Wyoming and Eastern Montana both had really bad winter kills. Could be worst in 30 years they said. I'm curious about the northeast Wyoming/southwest South Dakota below the black hills region. How do you guys that live in the area think the goats fared?
I don't know about northeast Wyoming, but my son is doing some sage grouse studies in southwest Wyoming/southeast Idaho and he said he is finding tons of dead deer in the sage. I hope it is not more wide spread than we thought.
To the best of my knowledge from talking with friends out there, one of the primary antelope areas from Casper/Douglas up through the Gillette area came through with no problem weatherwise. However, up into the northeastern corner of the state that is not really considered prime antelope country had a bad winter and it was even worse the further you went up into the eastern 1/3 of Montana. The northeast 1/4 of Montana really got hit hard and trains alone killed hundreds of animals that were on the RR track right-of-ways trying to escape the deep snow. One train alone took out a herd of over 200 goats!
> One
>train alone took out a
>herd of over 200 goats!
Not an isolated incedent.



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