Antelope unit 93


Active Member
I am planning to hunt this unit this year unless if point creep is bad or quotas drop. I am looking at this unit cause I'm from south eastern Idaho and figure it is close enough for me to make a scouting trip in the summer and to make a couple 3-4 day trips if needed during the hunt. Due to work I'm not sure if I will make the opener for a scouted buck. So I am curious if there is plenty of hilly country that some hidden good buck may migrate out of towards the end of the hunt or maybe even migrate into the unit from another unit. I am going to try my best to hold out for 78"+ due to the fact I already have a hand full of mid 70's bucks. I would really prefers 80"+ but who wouldn't. Does any one have any info on the migration or the unit they are willing to share. Is my goal reasonable in that unit or should I look else where?
You didn't say how many PPs you have, but last year <6PPs was a 42.86% draw in the Regular and 4PPs was a 92.86% draw in the Special. The quota is proposed to go up from 400 to 500 tags, so I would think that should drop the PPs needed. If you have the PPs to draw, I would say go for it since with that many tag offered there should be some bucks like you're looking for even later into the season.
I have 7 points and will be applying with 2 other guys with 7 as well. I am mostly curious if this is the best unit to use these points in. If I use them close to Idaho I can make a return trip if needed if I go 7+ hours away it will be probably 1 trip and not sure on a scouting trip. Other units I have considered are 64,67,92/96, 53. Where do we find the purposed tag allocations. It's hard to guess what points will do if they increase tag numbers. It always seems that many more people end up putting in so it stays the same.
93 is a decent choice for what you are looking for. I would say that 92 probably has better quality goats near the border of 60, but not so much in the remainder of the unit. 96 is not known to be a trophy unit( for whatever reason). 53 has good overall quality, but private land is a major issue there.

If I were in your shoes, I think I would choose 93 or 92. Your chances of a bigger goat would be better in 92, though. 92 is much more remote near the border of 60, and there is a good deal of crossover by antelope between the two units. 60 is known as a top-tier unit. However, that would mean a lot more travel time for you if you chose 92. 75"-80" goats are doable in 93, with the possibility of larger. Of course, 80"+ goats are possible in any of the units you mention. Just my 2 cents after living and hunting here for 40+ years.
Hunted Unit 93 year before last and killed a 77" with my muzzleloader in Sept., during all the rain. I should have kept hunting as there were more and more showing up every week, as the season went on. Used 6 pts to draw. I think if you look hard a 80" is a much more likely feat in 93 vs. 98. The oil field areas keep them stirred up and they get pretty shot up around there. I would spend a lot more time on the northern or western sides of the unit.

Hunted 98 last year and killed a 73", but didn't have any prongs to score well. Probably one of the best I saw all season. Shot last weekend of season with my rifle, and really did not see any great ones at all in that unit. Drew a random tag with 0 points.

Pictures and hunt descriptions are in the 2014 and 2015 HAC's at the bottom of the forum
Blank, I just checked out your HAC posts and we seem to hunt the same unit in Idaho. Last I hunted it was 2 years ago. It's a fun hunt but that was frustrating a couple years ago. Your posts are all too familiar with the diesle stalkers and opening day of sage hen season. That is a smoker buck your friend got last year if I am correct on the 78" being Idaho muzzy. Regardless it's a nice buck. That's what I'm hoping for in Wyoming. Thanks for the info. Where abouts are you from in Idaho?
We are all from Idaho Falls, and Predator is from SLC. Those are the quality of bucks we try to shoot every year with the muzzleloaders, no matter what state. Have enjoyed the NM Unit 52 hunt also. Hoping for Utah and Arizona someday also. Kinda set our sights on mature 3-yr old bucks and older, so they are in the 13+" and up range. I think you would enjoy 93, and after the opening crush, people seem to forget about it and the hunting is not crowded at all.
My friends wife got a 78" buck last year in 93 on the second day and from the road. They didn't do any real hunting and neither my friend or his wife had hunted antelope before. I saw some real good bucks during the deer season in 135, hopefully I can get a tag this year.

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