Antelope Unit 25 landowners?



I'm looking for contact information for the landowners in this unit. I have a few names and disconnected phone numbers. I've been working on this for a few days. Even made a trip out to casper to follow up on a few addresses and those were either wrong or no one was home. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck as late as it is to be looking for that kind of information. The G&F has quit giving out landowner information and from what everyone is saying the lists the various C of Cs have are also outdated if you can even get one. Other guys are saying ranchers aren't even answering their phones with so many people bothering them when they are already booked for the year.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-15 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p]Thanks top gun,

I know I'm late on tracking down landowners. I wasn't planning on hunting this unit ever, but my group leader made an error on the unit we wanted. And I haven't had as much time during business hours to really get on the ball. Normally for a unit like this I would've started a year maybe two in advance for this kind of research. But what you say makes perfect sense. There is enough public to hunt. Just a lot of antelope on certain ranches that caught my eye. We tried knocking on a few doors of those certain ranchers. But we found no one home due to the weekend or out doing chores. One address from the accessors office didn't even exist!

I can only imaging 500 people calling me to hunt antelope! I wouldn't answer either!
In case you haven't looked in the updated WIHA areas for unit 25, I see there is a 3412 acre hunt area under #15 for antelope that is accessed by taking Jade Road west off of CR 701.
Yes indeed,

We drove out to it just to become familiar with it. There is topography to it. So I'm hopeful that some goats will slide past the road hunters and I get out and dig out a goat!

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