Antelope unit 23


Very Active Member
Anyone have any info on Antelope in unit 23 on the public land and Walk In Area that is near the Johnson/Cambell county line.
Looking at a couple of doe tags there as there is a bunch leftover.I havebeen to Wyoming several times but cannot remember being in this area.I will be looking at hunting last part of the season.
I called the warden in that area a few weeks ago about the same thing and he said to try the scattered state land to the east that you wouldn't have a problem filling them there.
I hunted the area over that way a long time ago and you can fill tags without a huge problem if you get out and do some walking. I've sent a couple over there that have had no problem filling all their tags in three days. To get down in there you will want to take either Barlow Road or Barber Creek Road south off of I-90 and go down to the Buffalo Cut Across Road. Take that west over to where it basically Ts and if you go southeast it is Napier Road and if you go west it is Schoonover Road. There is about 6 or 7 miles of public land at the T and on south. Taking Schoonover Road gets you over to all that WIHA along Beaver Creek and there is also a lot of public land that is N/S of that Beaver Creek WIHA land. The land near the T that you will get to first is easier country and it gets rougher as you go west toward the Powder River, which is the west boundary of unit 23.
Thanks for the info guys. I am looking for an area that I can get a tag for every year and this unit always has had a bunch of leftovers. Sounds Good to me.
Are there any places in this area along the river or the creeks were a guy can camp on public land? Hopefully with a few trees nearby? How far is it to drive to Buffalo for a hotel? Thanks. I am in the same situation - looking for backup plan to replace my original backup plan that didn't work out.

Any of the BLM land that is accessable is O.K. to camp on .at least that is the way I understand .That is what I have done in the past.
There are a few BLM spots on both sides near the Powder River that you can camp on. I stayed in Buffalo a couple nights when I hunted the area, but I would not recommend it as it's a lot of driving and I think camping out really adds to the overall experience of the hunt.
Thanks guys. I have camped on BLM land in other areas in the past. I always look for some place with a few trees and maybe access to water. Good luck.
I would call the warden in the area he told me the balm south of beaver creek shows a road to access it but that it actual turns into a private road before you get to it making it land locked. Everything north of beaver creek has access.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-12 AT 07:23AM (MST)[p]To the best of my knowledge, the Schoonover Road that starts way over to the west in unit 22 at it's interchange with I-90 and runs all the way over and down through unit 23 is public road the entire length of it. The other way to access the WIHA is also a public road as far as I know and that's to take Dead Horse Road that is up at I-90 and 2-3 miles east of where I-90 goes over the river. That goes down and hits Schoonover Road west of the WIHA, which accesses a lot of BLM on both sides of the road. I was all over that area and don't remember any signs saying they were private roads. That route and the way I mentioned in my earlier post to access the area from the east would have to be public roads as they are the only two ways to get to that WIHA. It would be simple enough if you want to hunt anywhere in that area to get a county map that will show all the roads that are maintained by the county with taxpayer money.
i bought a couple of antelope tags for 23 ,while I am hunting there I will be checking out the area for deer for next year.

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