antelope suit


Active Member
anyone remember the video w/ a couple guys archery hunting w/ antelope suits on? if so what was the link.
+1 Zeke that would be scary to wear one of those.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Zeke, I will buy it if your willing to try it. Lol

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I bet you are talking about the show "On your own Adventures" with Randy Newberg. I watched the show a few days ago he had a antelope hat made from plastic and a long sleeved shirt that had antelope color pattern on it. They were hunting in New Mexico does that ring a bell?
I want somebody on here to admit they actually wore one of those in the field. Then I want to know what type and how much alcohol it took to work up the courage to put that on.
I would go a lifetime without killing a goat before I would wear one of those goofy hats! Not even if I was hunting alone!

It's always an adventure!!!
Can't see how that could possibly go wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-11 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]Hey Kawboy,
Did your bro tell you we ran into a big old rattler? We acted like a couple little girls! LOL
I was bitten too...... by a tick! ha


PS: No suit for me, thank you very much. Like 1911 said, "how could anything possibly go wrong?"
Id like to see him wear that in utard vill. I bet it would sound like opening morning of the rifle deer hunt. Boom crack ping boom zing plop wahoo I got him Earl!
Your hunting experience must be quite limited if you think Ut is the only place where a guy could get into trouble wearing that suit!
One thing we probably agree on is, don't wear that darn suit too close to a road.
Zeek have you been on a utard rifle deer hunt?
It isn't hard to see why the news has such an easy time finding the freaks to interview for the up date on the hunt. Lol

Duh, ya me huv bin on da Ut beer hunt and me seen all the hunters! LOL

I simply content it's not too much different on any general hunt in any State. Why single out UT? You've always seemed like a guy who could get away from the "punkin patch".
You do have a good point there. Utard does have a ring to it!

What would Wyoming be? Wy-tard?
Colorado would be colorful-tard?
New Mexico would be New-tard?
California would be TotallyNutty-tard?
Alaska would be FrozenHard-Tard?
We could go on but....... no.

Hey! They're all pretty cool too!

Sorry all you other States but no one was sticking up for poor lil ole UT! haha.

Ok sawbuck, You got me on that one.

Where did you get footage of my brother? LMAO

(we all see a few of those guys every year! RUN THE OTHER WAY!)


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