Antelope Success Pics


Active Member
I had 3 great guys come hunt with me for their first pronghorn hunting experience. We were successful in taking all 3 bucks on the first day of the hunt. I wanted to share these pics with you guys showing these guys' great trophies.


This was the first buck of the morning he was 16 inches tall and rough scored at 78 2/8 a great first buck and an awesome buck for our area


This was the second buck and he was 15 inches tall and rough scored at 73 2/8, another great first buck


This was the last buck of the day and he was 15 inches on one side and just a little less on the other side another awesome buck. rough scored at 76 7/8
All great bucks and lots of great memories made for these guys along with me.

Jeremy Gugelmeyer

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