Antelope question



I drew a tag for archery antelope here in Utah. I have been out doing some scouting and found a couple of bucks that are decent and one that I like. There is a watering hole about 2 miles from where I saw him. The water hole has alot of tracks, so the amount of goats hitting it is great. However, about 400 yards from where I saw the biggest buck is a little water trough for cows. There is tamaracs all around it and one little opening where something has watered a time or two.

Would you try and focus your scouting on the little water trough or the big water? Also will the bucks pretty much stay in place or will they move away when the rut comes into effect here in September?
Were there many antelope tracks near the small water trough? Can you open it up so antelope might be more willing to water there? You may want to go out and watch the bucks from a distance and see which watering hole he ventures over to...or remains closest to? Are there any other water sources?

I usually find the same bucks in the same vicinity in summer and during the rut. If the does he ruts are watering at the other water source he will likely follow! If he waters at a large water source it may be tougher having the entire area within bowrange. He may water at the furthest spot from the blind if not acclimated to it.

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