Antelope Question

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
A question for all you antelope experts out there. How deep is an antelope top to bottom? How big is the kill zone on an average goat? I'm thinking 12-15" top to bottom with a 8" kill zone. Want to know so I can set up some targets for me and the kids to practice on at longer ranges.

Phantom Hunter
These following measurements are APPROX:
35"-41" feet to top of shoulder.
14" top of shoulder to bottom of brisket.

Got this info some time ago out of a book, it had these measurements for Antelope, along with meas. for Mule Deer, Elk & Moose.

A gallon anti-freeze jug is 12" tall x 7" wide. Do ya'll think this would approximate the kill zone if the jug was laid on it's side?
Sure would be easy to see if ya hit it at 400 yds if it was filled with water!

Phantom Hunter
Antifreeze jugs work great. You usually have several lying around. Also, if you and your sons can get good at hitting antifreeze jugs at longer ranges, then I think you will have no problem hitting an antelope.


That's what I thought. It's my daughter and a son not just son's. My daughter loves to outshoot the boys. She loves to see the look on the boys faces when they learn she shoots a 7mm Mag vs their .243's.

Phantom Hunter

Keep her involved and it will help her attract only the kind of guys you want her around later in life. No-good punks won't mess around with a girl who can hold her own with a gun. That's just my thinking. I have two daughters and a son myself. Good luck with the goats.


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