antelope point advice



Just wanted to hear what yall would do if you were in my boots..

-ive never hunted a pronghorn
-my dad has bad rhematoid arthritis and we need to hunt this year while he still can
-i have 4 pts, he has 1pt

He is willing to just ride along for the hunt, but id like for him to be able to hunt if we make a trip all the way up there from the deep south..

what do you think the best way for us to apply is? seperatly or together? in regards to using our points as wisely as possible..

apply together in the same unit? apply seperatly and maybe get him a special license (dont really want to do that, but would if needbe)?

thanks for the helps guys.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-11 AT 04:53PM (MST)[p]I think I would apply together in the special license category to get the best hunt for both of you. You will have 2.5 points and could draw a number of good tags, 2.5 is a great place to be sitting because you will beat out all of those with 2 points. For example, you could draw Unit 67 in the special more expensive draw and have a great hunt for both of you. If you don't want to pay close to $500 each for a good antelope tag, you could do the cheaper fee in 106 and also have a good hunt. The other option would be to hunt areas close to each other, i think you could draw 67 on the cheap fee and your dad could draw 106 on the more expensive fee. There is a little bit of danger in doing this in that one of you might not draw, but I think if you plan it correctly you can all but guarantee that you both draw. Check out the draw odds on this site if you have an idea of what areas you are interested in.

If you end up going near Lander, it is a nice town and great place to stay. There are many other options throughout WY that should meet your expectations as well and you might want to pick-up up a couple of doe tags if you like wild game (antelope can be the best or worst wild meat). You need to cool it down or get it to a butcher ASAP.

Best of luck. I'm stuck in a hotel near the Jackson, MS airport because of the snow on the east coast now and am wishing I had a car to check out the Bass Pro Store.
Send me an email at: [email protected] I'll give you the scoop on a great unit that is off the radar that you should be able to draw as a party with your 2.5 PP average in the regular price PP draw. If you draw it, I'll make a map off my CD ROM program for you with coordinates, etc. and I can just about guarantee you will both kill above average bucks if you do your part.
im in jackson ms...private mail me if you want ill come get you..

ive been stuck before, so i know how it feels.
Hey, nripepi. I wish I'd seen your post earlier. It would have been nice to treat you to some good Southern Hospitality. I was actually offshore working at the time, but I could have gotten you hooked up with a ride thru my son who lives very near Jackson. He woulda been someone to talk huntin' with as well.

That's very kind of you TOPGUN to generously offer such good info to a fellow hunter from the South. Thanks for that.

Hello, qbeamit. I live down in Collins an hour south of ya. Let me know how it all works out for you and your dad.
I have max points in Wyoming and wouldn't mind hunting a lope myself, as I have only drooled over 'em as I drive thru New Mexico each year from hunting elk and muleys in Colorado. I'm not exactly sure the direction I will go with my application this year... I'm still researching on just where to spend my points, as I look at dates carefully so as not to interfere with other plans. I guess I will continue my pattern and just apply for what I conclude to be the top unit, but I'm having a hard time figuring out just what that is there with so much good antelope hunting.
I'll keep you posted as well, especially if I draw. At the very least we can keep an eye out for one another on the road this fall as we travel hunting.
My advice is ,hunt every year you can no matter what your age is.I am near 60 years old and will hunt untill I can't go anymore. Antelope hunting is a great hunt for anyone that likes hunting.
Amen to that Whiterock.

I'll be 50 in April and just did my first high country backpack muzzleloader hunt for elk last year. I spent 10 days camping and hunting right by myself in God's country with bugling elk and not another person or intereference in sight. I never pulled the trigger, but it was the most fun and rewarding experience imaginable.

I'll go again this fall but this time I'll take along my lady. I have made it a point to warn her of both the hardship and the addictive beauty to be found there and she won't budge off of going into the wilderness with me.

I hope to be hunting as long as I'm breathing. I will continue to work on fitness to be able to do the high country thing, but realize I won't be able to do that forever. The antelope hunt, on the other hand, should be one that we can continue to do.

I will keep studying the Wyoming application info. I want to pick out the very best quality unit for my first choice, then a good hunt that I can draw for my second choice. Somehow, keeping those points appeals to me. Guess I'm greedy like that.
Geez Jeffpg! You have a lot of years to do those hunts yet if you take care of yourself properly. I'm 63 and don't get up quite into what you are probably calling high country, but I can still stay with most of the younguns at 8,000' where I hunt every Fall!!! I helped pack out that 357" bull my buddy that's 50 got last year and I felt pretty darn proud of that accomplishment. Have fun with your spouse and shoot a big one to show us on the BB!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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