Antelope Photos for last year.


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 09:58AM (MST)[p]Meant to say antelope photos from last year in my title. Sorry.














Have a good one. BB
Billy...what kind of camera and lens are you using to takes these great pictures?

When I scrolled down to that first picture, I could have sworn I got a whiff of that lovely goat smell. I didn't get to hunt them last year and I'm really missing it. Awesome pictures. There's nothing like coming home from a trip to WY and still having that smell on your hands to remind you of what a great hunt it was.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
For those of you guys who love antleope I recently made up a desktop collage of two bucks that I took multiple photos of late summer last year and I will be willing to send it to all that email me their request for the "2 buck collage" I will send it full size file and you can use it as your desktop if you have an interest.

Just send your request to [email protected] and I will send you a copy full size.

Here's a small version of that collage.


Have a good one BB
I bascially shoot two cameras. My DSLR is an Olympus E-3 or E-5 and my point and shoot is a Pansonic FZ-35 or FZ-100.

Here's an action shot I took last fall. Ha Ha (If you look close you can see the action falling.)

Here are two photos I took within minutes of each other while in antelop country.




Have a good one. BB
Billy that email link above is not correct...I sent you an email and it was rejected.

So I just made a "copy & paste" of that one picture and kept it that way in file.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-11 AT 06:36PM (MST)[p]Sorry I meant to type [email protected]

If you want the 2 buck collage, just email me. Here again is how it looks.


The full size file will make a much better desktop than just taking it off MM as I downsized the file over 3 times, therefore the detail will be much better in the full size file.

Have a good one. BB
TOPGUN, I know there are days I shoot well over a 1,000 photos if things are good, but how many I shoot in a year would be just a wild guess, as it would depend on how many times I got out. There are days I will only shoot a handful of photos and there are many days I never pick up my camera. But it would be well over 10,000 per year I am sure.




These photos are just different photos I shot on the same day of four different bucks, but I took lots of each couple and lots of each single. I most likely ended up with 50 or more photos of these guys by the time they got out of camera range.

Have a good one. BB
Holy Mackerel Andy! No wonder you're so good! Have you submitted photos for publishing anywhere or thought of making a living at it? I'm sure it would be tough, but what an occupation if you could support yourself and/or family doing that!!! I think you could give old Leonard Lee Rue a run for his money and I'm not kidding!
TOPGUN, I submitted a few photos to Wyoming wildlife contest a few years back but never even got an honorable mention let alone place. But since that time I have learned a lot and meant to submit a few photos this past year, but got busy with life and missed the deadline. Perhaps next year I will try again.

I love photography as much or more than hunting now. It's very much the same as bowhunting. You have to do everything you do in bowhunting to get close and if you want a really good photograph, the closer you get the better the photo in most cases.

I don't have a big expensive, fancy lens, and most all the critters I shoot are wild animals and not park animals, so getting close is a must. So a good photo brings much satisfaction.

My problem is I started this much too late in life. I used to have good eyes, but now I have cataracts and don't see well so that really hurts a lot as your eye is key to a good photo. But every once in a while the camera gets a good focus and I am able to get a good photo.

But most of all, I find much pleasure in shooting wildlife photos and will continue to do it just for the satisfaction I get from doing it.













Here's a pretty girl, just losing her winter hair and trying to get good looking so she can find a boyfriend and insure that we have bucks and does to photograph/hunt down the line.


Have a good one. BB
I had no idea you were up there in age, LOL! I know what you mean about the old eyes as I'm 63 and have minor cataract problems along with several other things going wrong with them for the last ten years or so. I definitely agree with the photography statements you made and one of these days I may give up the guns and just go to it, but not for awhile as I still have a big muley buck in my sights before I hang them up!!!

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