Antelope on the Sheldon!



My buddy drew tag for the late hunt on the Sheldon. We've hunted deer and scouted it quite a bit. Have a few ideas, but we were mostly in deer mode every time we were there. I understand it's a huge area, but I think a guy could kill a monster buck there with just a little luck?

Anybody willing to chat about antelope on the Sheldon? Curious to see if the areas we saw antelope in while deer hunting are worth hunting or if we should shift to different habitat all together (more exclusive to antelope). PM's are fine.

Also curious about antelope behavior? During the late deer season I saw a herd bunched up on one of those tables that was about 150 strong (if I remember correctly). Is that a wintering behavior or disturbance type behavior?

Thanks for any ideas or feedback!
What are the dates for the late sheldon hunt. Give me the dates and i can help you out. Tell your buddy to go 90 or go home with that tag. I may not be able to guide in Nevada but i have spent a hell of alot of time on that refuge and I have a pretty good idea where the big boys hang out.
He drew the 033 Late, which runs from Aug.27th-Sept.5th. It looks like him and his dad will also end up with South Wagontire antelope tags too. They figure they'll use that as they're warm up to the Sheldon hunt.
Not a whole lot about 41 and 42 I usually hung around 31,32, and 33.

There tag is a great tag for sheldon. South Wagontire has some decent goats but nothing like they will see on the Sheldon. Tell them to spend as much time as they can ontop of Hart near the headquarters and learn to judge the goats upclose
I had that tag in 2003 and had a really fun hunt. I hunted it for deer last year and saw some outstanding antelope! Brian

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