Antelope mount pics?


Very Active Member
I'd like to see some pics of antelope mounts. I just got mine back from the taxi and I'm not sure if I'm happy with it. The face looks great and all the detail is fine. It just seems like the neck is too big (wide) in relation to the head. It makes the actual head of the antelope look small. Right below the cheeks the neck just bulges out unnaturally. This might just be me and they way I am looking at it, but I wanted to look at a few others for comparison. Thanks.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-05 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]Here is a big buck that I shot a long time ago in eastern Montana. (Oct '86)
I mounted him myself back when I did taxidermy.
He is a little faded out.
Bigpig, where was the antelope shot, and what time of year? Antelope do somewhat bulge out under their cheek gland. It's mostly hair, not necessarily muscle. A northern antelope (Wyoming and Montana) will really have this "bulge" if their killed in Oct. Down here in NM, you get that somewhat. But being a warmer climate, and the fact that we hunt them so early in the year, you don't quite get that effect.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-05 AT 08:13AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-05 AT 08:10?AM (MST)

NMtaxi, you just impressed the hell out of me. Without seeing or knowing this buck, you nailed it. It is hair that is bulging out right under the cheek patches at the top of the neck. There is almost a ruffle in the hide there that makes the hair bulge. It was killed in Wyoming in October and it was snowing like hell. I'm no expert so I just wanted to make sure it looked natural, and you pretty much confirmed that. He did have a really thick coat of hair so this may have added to the effect. The taxi was a local shop in WY and he does tons and tons of antelope, so I was having a hard time beliving he did an unnatural job. I'm gonna be up in the California central coast range hunting wild pigs this weekend so I won't get to it for a few days, but I'll send a pic of my mount when I get a chance. In the meantime, any chance you have some pics of mounts displaying this bulging cheeks characteristic?

HunterHarry's mount does show the bulging cheeks/neck but to a lesser extent than mine. That is a really great looking goat. Where was it killed?
I would post some BigPig, but I was asked to "cool it" on posting pics of my work. Seems somebody got "upset" thinking I was soliciting work as opposed to sharing my passion of taxidermy with fellow hunters.
I'm sure your taxidermist did a beautiful job of mounting your animal. Enjoy it.:)
Here's an example. I got this pic off of Dave Toms of Wildlife Creations website. He's in Montana, and an incredible taxidermist. This is a gorgeous mount.
I disagree OSOK. It's all about the hair length. The black patch on an antelope's face is a gland that swells during the rut. This causes the skin to "roll" between the EYE and the cheek gland. Behind the gland the hair of an antelope growns in the opposite direction, causing it to stick out. The later in the season, and the farther up north, the longer the hair is, causing it to be more prominent than it is down south.
You're probably right, I was just going by what my taxidermist told me. If I understand what you are saying you are correct and I should've been a bit more discriptive. The hair behind the black patch is what sticks out due to hormone/rut from what I understand, right?

Either way, Lopers make beautiful mounts. One of my favorites...
No, I'm saying that the hair behind the black patch sticks out merely because it is a hair pattern, and the longer the hair, the more it sticks out. The hair on the gland is short goes in on direction, while the hair coming off the neck is much longer and goes in the opposite direction. When the meet, it causes the hair to stick out. When you cape an antelope, shave the skin even and lay it flat, the hair will still stick out either way. The rut might have some effect on it, but it's always there. When that gland swells, it does cause a roll of skin above it, and below the eye.
A common mis-conception people have is that animals necks "swell" during the rut due to a hormonal change. The neck actually swells due to the animal raking, and sparring and fighting, and they simply build up their neck muscles.

Nice Pics!! Just wondering where about in Southern NM you harvested? Last October(2004)my brother and I successfully hunted Unit 16, just south and west of the Grant Co. Airport near Hurley, NM. We have our mounts being done by Edwards Taxidermy in Hurley. I really liked what I saw in his shop, and what I've heard about his work.
pinemesa and osok...those are all very nice mounts...very pleasing to the eye to look at. thanks for the pics
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-05 AT 10:24PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-05 AT 10:18?PM (MST)

One more try....

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-05 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]Gilamonster55,

I got mine off of Separ rd in unit 16, east of the 96 ranch. Lehmers taxidermy mounted mine for me. I called Edwards, but he was more expensive than lehmer.

Those are nice looking mounts, too, predator. That one on the bottom is in a neat pose. Definately different.
Definately a sweet mount, and monster buck. I couldn't tell from the pic of the antelope if it was a wall pedestal or an extreme offset shoulder. Now I know ;-)
I thought the same thing about this antelope when I got it back. Looked pretty funny at first but the guy who did it was very good so I figured he just mounted it in a rutting pose.

Wall pedistal mounts are my favorite as well.
No Kidding!

I love that Mule Deer mount of yours too... Awesome velvet buck. I finally got this picture posting thing figured out and can't get enough of it. ;) Maybe we should rename this thread, "any species mount"... :D

Not a very good picture, but here's a wall pedestal whity I had done a few years back. Didn't turn out the way I wanted though. Not enough shoulder.


And here's a Full Pedestal mount. Sometimes I wish I would've just had it put on the wall. It's kind of a pain in the butt sometimes...


For the most part I was pretty happy w/ the way it turned out though.
yes, very impressive collection of critters- and an interesting variety of mounts

are the wall pedestals tricky to attatch to the wall?

it's interesting how they make the critter look like it's floating out from the wall, a little less static than a standard should mount
Wall pedistals are not hard to attach to the wall. It depends on the manufacturer of the form, because some have next to nothing against the wall. I usually put a hanger with a male piece attached to the mount, and a female piece screwed to the wall. It keeps it from being knocked off when people touch it...and they ALWAYS touch them.


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