Antelope Island Hunting


Long Time Member
Haven't seen a post on this in a while so was wondering what the thoughts were on the new proposal? I wouldn't put in if there was a hunt and can't sell my house to buy a tag so it doesn't concern me. My question is if we(DWR, private donations, conservation groups) put the sheep there in the first place, how do the "nature lover" groups now think they should get a say in if they are hunted or not? I hate the States addiction to big money(CWMUs, auctions, etc), but I really hate those who didn't contribute who now want to control those animals. Your thoughts?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]Maybe our bird watching, mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing "friends" can help us hunters get a few tags.
The problem is who controls the land... State Parks... prior to that going way back to settlement by our white brothers and sisters.. the Island was in private hands... The few Bison tags are only available through an act of State Legislature.

It's a Park where the kiddies and tree huggers and birdy watchers play. Mr. Ranger is there to protect Yoggy and Booboo and all those who like Gnat Sandwiches from their Pickanic Baskets... But if you want to make a rug out of Booboo.. Mr. Ranger starts to whine because he can't justify his pay and time spent watching and chasing after Booboo if Booboo is hanging on my wall or in my freezer.

But we are facing rough time... the older Rams are too old to be transplanted or traded to other states and Mr. Ranger's pay will be cut so why not SELL the public park animals to the Deepest pocket when the Rams are dying of old age natural causes... no Wolves on the Island. My tax dollars say give the average poor citizen an opportunity to draw a tag at the regular Ram price in the DWR draws or let some Disabled Hunter give it a try... someone like ME... hehe.


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