Antelope Island Hunt


Founder Since 1999
So, I know there will be a few who accuse me of trying to get something going at the expense of someone else.......BUT......
We know the state approved the hunt. I was thinking that they were going to try and have an auction and draw this year for a hunt this year, but I haven't heard anything about it. I was thinking they wanted to get the ball rolling quick.

However, I read in another post that TFinalShot posted that provided a link that talked about the tags being at auction at the WHCE in Feb.

So, my question is, are the hunts set then for 2011, not 2010? Anyone want to share details about the draw hunts....dates, time frame, any limitations, etc. I fully expect to draw that deer tag, so I want to get a heads up now on it all.

Remember when Tony Abbott felt that because the shed hunt was his idea and his effort, that he should get to shed hunt the idland before everyone else. I wonder if anyone at SFW will get to hunt it first since it was their idea????
LOL. I am just kidding!!! They would never do such a thing. Just making a funny.
Tony, don't you think that's funny?

Brian Latturner
lol founder....but you better leave the comedy to us experts...ok?


"I bet you cant wait to trip a kid into the lake.."..........Man, that does sound fun! As long as I get the big buck.....big buck at any cost....gotta get it on the internet so I can pay bills.
But, the real question is, would I even get a big buck, even on Antelope Island??? isayNUNYA says big buck hunters don't use, so since I own it, how could I get a big buck??? Hmmmmmm......I hope they make it an either sex tag, just in case. You know......

OK, no more funny, well, not much more, I'd like to get some serious replies on the info. I'm hoping to learn and that I'm sure others would also like to know.

PS - You all are already skeptical about the whole WHCE draw process, so save your money and don't apply for the Antelope Island tag. You won't draw. I will, but will act surprised when it happens. Just put your money towards a hot dog.

Brian Latturner
I remember that Tony fiasco. What a mess that was at his expense. Fun for us though. Maybe he should come pick up horns in Yellowstone. Lots to go around and they weigh them at the gate and congratulate you on your way out. I know some good spots. Maybe someone can post up that link just for the memories.
T-final also called you/us 'dumb' to hunt the Island!

I'd like to be the first dumb SOB to hunt the Island for Muleys!

Would that be OK?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-10 AT 05:58AM (MST)[p]Glad to see you can laugh about it founder...Just toss the poor little guy a life jacket would ya :)

I'll take the henry's tag over the island..but I'd hunt it and not give a damn what anyone thought..especially Tmoneyshot...
Brian, I think the reason they are NOT having a 2010 hunt is they still need to hash out details like dates, access, will gov and sportsmans tags also get access.

Its an ideal situation for the money guys. Fly in to SLC and be be hunting 230+ inch bucks and big rams an hour later. If one guy buys both auction tags, he'll be the 1st guy to kill a monter buck and ram the same day.

I gotta get to work but.....................
I think NUNYA is Right!
I need a page or two out of his book!
Don't know anybody that can hunt that much & Plumb so little,LMMFAO!:D (Kiddin NUNYA!)
I've always liked "Our Little Buddy"!
I know there are others out there but He's got as much all around Hunting Knowledge/Experience as anybody I know of anywhere!
And He's up front,says it helps not to be married!:D

I Still think He's right,I ain't gonna get a NE region PISSCUTTER screwin off on the Internet like I did this last weekend!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
2 Sheep tags, 2 Mule Deer tags. 1 each will be auctioned off at the Expo in February. The others will be included in the DWR drawing in March. The Hunts are to take place in November from what I heard.
Forget that Island hunt, I will be getting in on that auction for the bull on the train ride at Lagoon! SFW thinks they can get 300k for it(then they can buy two trees and a bush for wildlife and keep the rest for "administration". I know my wife will let me pawn the house for a chance at that sucker!!!

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