Antelope Island deer


Long Time Member
Saw Doyle's pick and his small writeup about all the hard work on the bought tag

Saw WLH pic, but for some strange reason there isn't a story about the hunt.

I wonder why?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
What kind of story are you looking for?

Jake H.
Birds chirp.

Was hoping Tristate might want to chime in

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
This must be on Alcatraz?

You Might get away with it on Alcatraz I Guess?

But anywhere else I'd Guess a Big Ole Smart Buck might Spot them 'COOL' Sun Glasses a Mile away!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Thought Tri might want to tell us about why the public hunter didn't kill the bigger buck the Lemons were after.

Guess he ain't talked to uncle Wade lately? Or are we waiting for another press release from SLC headquarters?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You seem very eager to talk about something, how bout you just spit it out already????

Jake H.
Oh. I know something. Im efforting to see if their were citations or not.

Either way, it's not suprising, some folks seem to always walk that fine line.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Careless greed is what will get the 2 tags out there shut down.
There are waaaaay too many liberal eyes on that rockpile to be doing stupid things to get a tag filled.
Check your PM Hoss!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I was told two wlh guides were issued citations for herding deer prior to the public hunter's start date. Wish there was a way to look it up and see if it's true and if so, which two it was.
If they were issued citations, that means they must have been in there spooking deer before the public hunter's start date.
Check your PM PUNK!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Herding means the real big buck that everyone was filming was on the non huntable side of the island, in a campground and was harassed in an attempt to force it back.


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
This is an interesting concept. Not saying I agree with the practice, but what exactly would the law that is broken here? Is it just a park regulation? I didn't know walking toward deer and pushing them in a direction was against the law, even in an area closed to hunting.

Plus, WLH would NEVER, and I mean, NEEEEVER hunt a trophy animal in an area closed to its tag holder. I mean, that would NEVER happen.
The island has its own rules.

But when the hunt was negotiated way back when it was agreed that the developed end, on the north, was not huntable.

Plus, it's "yellowstonish", meaning it's chuck full of out of state folks as well as out of country. The worry was/is folks might not want to watch the semi tame deer take a bullet.

There are rules about trails, areas, etc as well, but those are suspended for the hunters.

The "goal" was to keep the hunters on the south end, beyond the closed roads so as to minimize the chances of tourist/hunter interaction.

To be fair, Doyle has done a fair job of doing so most years(see i said something nice).

There is a big, real wide deer that guys have been filming for a couple years. Rumor has it Doyle bumped it and it crossed the fence into the campground. It wouldn't come out, some bucks hang there a lot, so Doyle moved on.

ALLEGEDLY WLH thought they would we "smarter" than everyone else.

Problem is they were doing so, on the tourist side, with apparently a bunch of folks watching.

The rumor is they were cited for wildlife harassment, and banned from guiding the island.

The pic is WLH, so I'm assuming it was the guides in question, not WLH as a business.

I got a tip, I won't name. They can if they choose. The post about citations matched what I got told.

I don't like this hunt. Never have. It was always about some rich dude (Karl Malone really got it rolling)buying a semi tame buck, within ear shot of an airport. It was/is a payoff from $fw(Peay) to the deepest pockets he lobbies for. The draw tag was an afterthought as a way to shut us up.

Further. Imagine a tape of these jackwagons out herding this deer across the fence where it's gunned down, or even worse hit, running around a campground or parking lot with its guts hsnging out. That would really reflect well on all of us.

And WLH would simply cash the check, call us all knuckleheads, and slink away to pull another shady stunt.

I started this to once again show that we as the hunters in the state have a serious issue with the commercial side. Be it this, closed sheep units, thermal imaging, Apple piles, etc, WE have an issue, and it's hurting all of us.


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I'm not surprised that particular outfitter is in question when something doesn't go their way. Even if there were tickets, nothing will happen. Seems they always get a slap on the wrist. Funny when one of the main guide for mossback quites years ago and goes to wlh, you don't hear anything bad about mossback.
>From the pictures I've seen with
>the hunter's, it was Wade's
>son and another main guide.

The deer in the picture is not the one they were initially trying to harvest.

The bigger one is in the white rocks campground and still is as of Sunday.
From Utah Proclamation...

Take means to:
? hunt, pursue, harass, catch, capture,
possess, angle, seine, trap or kill any
protected wildlife; or
?attempt any of the above actions.

Is this the same outfit that claimed the SCI World Record for a deer from Mexico that had an ear tag and was blindfolded in the road, or was that somebody else? Does anybody still have that pic?

LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-19 AT 05:57PM (MST)[p]If I knew where to dig, I'd post the citations. These guys seem to keep stepping over the line without consequence.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-19 AT 08:10PM (MST)[p]I was told by a DNR guy out there on Sunday that "They are banned from ever hunting the Island again".

Guess we shall see.....
you guys are so quick to blame the outfitter
I'm sure he made the call to get proper permission to do what they needed to do for the hunter
I'll bet it's an extremely hard & exhausting hunt to say the least
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-19 AT 08:16PM (MST)[p]>you guys are so quick to
>blame the outfitter
>I'm sure he made the call
>to get proper permission to
>do what they needed to
>do for the hunter
>I'll bet it's an extremely hard
>& exhausting hunt to say
>the least

Why would they have cited and banned them from the Island if they got permission to push the deer?
Asking for a friend.....
?you guys are so quick to blame the outfitter I'm sure he made the call to get proper permission to do what they needed to do for the hunter I'll bet it's an extremely hard & exhausting hunt to say the least? -huntintexas

This actually made me laugh. Well played. Kind of sick and twisted considering what happened, but I can still appreciate humor.
And I Quote:

I'll bet it's an extremely hard & exhausting hunt to say the least



That'd be Rough!

It's Amazing it always takes Guides to GIT-R-DONE on ALCATRAZ!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>you guys are so quick to
>blame the outfitter
>I'm sure he made the call
>to get proper permission to
>do what they needed to
>do for the hunter
>I'll bet it's an extremely hard
>& exhausting hunt to say
>the least

I knew Tri would show up eventually. But why are you here with your other name? You usually reserve it for pics of Robyn Waldrip.?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>you guys are so quick to
>>blame the outfitter
>>I'm sure he made the call
>>to get proper permission to
>>do what they needed to
>>do for the hunter
>>I'll bet it's an extremely hard
>>& exhausting hunt to say
>>the least
>I knew Tri would show up
>eventually. But why are
>you here with your other
>name? You usually reserve
>it for pics of Robyn

Yep, you called it in post #2. He's so fun to mess around with.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Dude, I have joked on numerous occasions if I was filthy rich I would buy the tag, hire someone to guide me and then proceed to shoot the smallest buck I could find. Just to make a point.
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