
Very Active Member
I was working in the yard today, when I saw movement in a field to the south of my house. I grabbed my bino's, and to my suprise it was a lone Antelope buck. I have never seen any Antelope in the area ......has anyone else seen Antelope hanging out in this part of the Valley. (He was at approx. 9000 SOuth 6700 West). I was able to get within about 75 yards of him, which suprised me me since the wind was blowing hard---right at him, and there was no cover. Being 6'7", i kinda stuck. I think he was interested in what I was, cause the more I walked towards him, the more he came towards me. I will try to post some pics a little later.

Tuff, are you sure you weren't drinking some foo-foo juice while working in the yard????

The only way I can think of an antelope buck showing up by yer place is that it is either an escapee from someone's private zoo or it came over from Tooele (and if you can picture a speedgoat coming through Butterfield Canyon, then you got me!)

Trust me, I thought I was losing it there for a minute. THats why I took pictures, cause I knew no one would believe me. When I get home from work today, I'll post the pics! HE was till out there last night when it got dark, who knows, could still be there.

Just a guess but maybe he came from Antelope Island and got pushed down to W. Jordan?? There are a bunch of exposed mud flats now that the lake is so low that would connect the island with the Saltair area.
I seen a buck antelope two weekends ago between salt air and airport on south side of freeway. I thought I was losing it also.
He might have came across from the Oquirrhs through Camp Williams. There are lots of them on the south side of there.
My buddy said he saw one last year, out by the big red and white checkered water tower on 4700s and 6400w. I was confused when he said it, but maybe they are moving in.
I have seen them several times south of I80 west of the International center. There was one killed a few weeks ago on I80. I think they are escapies from Antelope Island.

I have seen 3 just south of 13400 S and have talked to a couple other people that have seen them also. I guess they finally figured out they would be safe in the valley and are starting to move in.

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