Antelope hunt with my wife


Looking for suggestions on what unit to put in for antelope for this fall. We both have max points, so we should be able to draw just about any area. We have both hunted lope's before so we are looking for a really good lope. What's your area, looking for units with lot's of public.
You'll find that antelope "trophy potential" is highest in the areas around Rawlins. A look at the draw odds will confirm its popularity.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-12 AT 12:17PM (MST)[p]>Looking for suggestions on what unit
>to put in for antelope
>for this fall. We both
>have max points, so we
>should be able to draw
>just about any area. We
>have both hunted lope's before
>so we are looking for
>a really good lope. What's
>your area, looking for units
>with lot's of public.
> Brian

I love your yearly E scouting barrage..25 posts, and everyone of them pumping someone for info.
Does look that way if you look at all the posts under his username! It sure would be nice if some people gave back a little instead of just taking!!!
REDDOG/TOPGUN, I'm guilty of the same thing. I usually have an idea that I'm asking about but sometimes I just want to hear what others have to say. I just got beat up on the Oregon and Montana forums for this.

I've probably PM'd my phone number to over 30 MM members over the years. I've gone over maps on the phone with them for their tags. I've offered to pack a guy's cow out that was hunting the same season I was. I've recently offered to help a local guy I never met, move to another house.

Although I've hunted every western state except Washington, there is no way I know all of the regulations, and they change yearly. Personally, when i see someone asking for help, I first decide if I have anything of value to add. If the answer is yes, then I decide if I should based on my past experiences with the individual, the probability of me hunting that area/unit again.

If the answer is no, I may read what others say or just move on.
I doubt seriously that with as many posts as you have on these Forums that you come under the same category as this guy who has that small number of posts and basically every one of them is as REDDOG mentioned. Just sayin!!! Thanks for your input though! I guess I'm a litte ticked right now because of help I gave a guy last Fall. He took home three deer and an antelope of his owen and the meat from my buck in less than a week of hunting and won't even send me the landowner coupons so I can give a little payback to the old ranching couple that lets me hunt their ranch for free. In the next week or so you may be seeing a nasty post with this guy exposed for the POS that I feel he is when I invite him out on a free hunt in my area and something like this happens! Sorry for venting a little!
I see that alot of the trophy units are limited quota units that dont have alot of public land. I think that if you put some time in and be selective you can kill a good goat in a lot of different units. May not be a book buck but can get close. If you DIY and kill one in the high 70's that seems good to me. Be more rewarding that way anyway.
OMG! posts,posts,posts. I read MM everyday and seems to me if you want buildup your amount of posts you got, you simply reply Nice deer or whatever it may be. If people dont want help someone then dont. But if you do, you should not feel like they owe you something. Anyway wherever you decide to hunt Im sure you'll do fine. Going hunting out there with someone you like is always a successful trip.
JMBC---So what was the purpose of your post other than to add another post to your count, LOL! I can't begin to count the number of people I've helped on numerous websites right out on the Forums, as well as by emails and PMs. What I spoke of was entirely uncalled for on his part. The guy pestered me enough out on the Forums, as well as with PMs and emails that I finally got tired of it and told him to just come out for a few days and hunt with me. I thought that was a pretty damn good jesture after the way he was on the site. He took home five animals, one of which I shot and gave him, in less than a week out there. I have asked ever since the end of October if he would just mail back those landowner coupons so I could pay back the couple that own the ranch in some small way and have gotten absolutely zippo, nada, zilch! He hasn't even returned my last two emails to him and it's like I never helped him out at all. He even came close to filling his cow elk tag, but had to head home early because he didn't want all that meat to spoil. I'm not asking for anything for myself, just a little payback to the couple for allowing free access on their ranch that is pretty rare nowadays. Is that asking too much of someone for doing what I did for him?
For your particular situation that is understandable. I do think you understand about what I was saying about the amount of posts. It is a bit ridiculous sometimes. As for my amount of posts, I was on this site when you started so just saying I don't care much about my number. I just enjoy reading all of MM. After all it is general information people can start with. Thanks
Sorry for getting thread off track
I could really care less how many posts a guy has if he comes on any site I frequent and it looks like he has done some homework to help himself before asking for information. It's the person who never helps anyone with anything and then wants insider information when he obviously hasn't even looked at the F&G website for the state he's asking about to see what's there. Since I'm retired and on the computer a lot when the hunting seasons have come and gone, I can build an awful high post count without just a "nice buck" post for every picture that goes up. I've basically always felt that's it's not the number of posts a person has, but rather the content of those posts to be well thought of on a website.
My son and I had max points last year and drew one of the hard to draw units in the Red Desert. ( I won't say what unit on this site cause I don't want to mess the odds)
We had a great hunt and my son killed a 85 inch buck...and I missed a book buck.
Anyway, we had a great but the problem with those units is you may still be several years away from drawing. We got lucky with about 18% of top point applicants drawing.
So if you for sure want to draw, you may want to look closer at the odds.
Eastman's MRS sections have all that info, if you can get a copy.
Anyway, good luck if you draw. We had an absolute blast and probably passed on 200-300 bucks before my son killed his monster.
Thanks littebighorn, that's was were I was thinking og going. should have a good chance of drawing, just drew a elk tag for 108 which is about in the same area.
TOPGUN, maybe I was a little too quick to critize. Just a reaction for asking a simple regulation question on another state and being told to just read the regs. And explaining my situation in another state which I sat out a couple of years and was told I had no "integrity" because I sat out 2 years. Matter of fact, after I finish typing this, I need go to the Oregon forum to see if he's gonna take me up on my offer to meet in Klamath Falls and "discuss" my integrity.

In your instance, I totally understand. I hunted a HMA once and dropped the portion off in a drop box on my way out after every kill. The program is too good to screw it up. And you "exposing" this guy might be a good thing.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-12 AT 08:07AM (MST)[p]Califelkslayer---Read the thread I made a link for and you will see who the PA guy I'm talking about is. That was just one thread and there were others, as well as PMs and emails to me. My Wyoming buddy told me to just let it go and not start a big scene on the Forums, so I'm going to drop the whole thing, but I guarantee if that guy shows up again where I hunt it's going to get nasty!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-12 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]I think a few folks here are a little of topic.
After reading that, just the public forum, not the PMs and e-mails, I can't help but wonder why he didn't let it go. If we're PMing, I'd never mention anything on the public forums. Guess he doesn't realize other people have computers too.

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