Antelope Horns



I know this has probably been discussed several times around here but for one reason or another I have never given it much thought. I was wandering if one of you taxidermist out there could give me some information on what you use to blacken up a set of antelope horns. This off season I am in the process of putting all my past antelope on plaques and I would like to blacken up a few of the past heads. Ones I killed when I was younger have started to fade. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I think people use black boot polish and give it a few days to dry. I've heard of also using WD-40 for sheep and antlers, but i am not 100% on sheaths. you should experiment on your own.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-06 AT 01:02AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-06 AT 01:00?AM (MST)


Your an idiot!
use an air brush with thinned down black paint if you can or as some one else mentioned black boot polish and a rag. Color them before you mount them so you don't paint your plaque in the process.

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