ANTELOPE finally home !!!!!



FINALLY !!!!! both of my 'lopes are at home ! left is from wy in 2002, right is nm in 2003. I am happy to have them where they belong, finally.


LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-06 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]I wish I knew how to enlarge them, they are bigger on my screen but real small here, anyone know why ????? the buck came from the ft laramie area unit 11 west of a small town called jay em. nice place, lots of antelope even saw a couple big MULE DEER out in those flats. leftover tag bought after the drawings, paid a rancher a tresspass fee. he wanted 300 a day, even knowing I was going to shoot the first one I saw- guy was/is a real jerk off though- I am looking for another place- lol.
nope it is called "jay em" sent a postcard to my son after killing my 'lope right from the "jay em" post office, it's indian.
my bad, I did'nt know there was even another place named like that- ha ha ! jay em is a small little place right off the highway that has alot of retired folks in it, no store, just one old brick building that is the post office, kinda neat though. there were deer and antelope grazing in the field right behind the post office- right AFTER I shot my buck- lol.
nice bucks, I hunted the same unit last fall, we were north of jay em, your right there are alot of antelope in that country and some nice bucks. I would like to go back into that country mule deer hunting but as far as I know there is not much public land and from what I have seen the mule deer hunting is expensive. R Mann MO
boy-o-oby I know what you mean. I saw ALOT of antelope, and most were bucks. but I saw ALOT of MULE DEER as well. I spent a couple days there total, after I went and took mine there the place I was hunting deer outside torrington every time we took something it had to be taken into lusk to the meat cutters so we drove back and forth through jay em several times including the day I hunted there, so we saw quite a lot of ground during the 5 day trip going back and forth. it was neat to see someplace like that, flat, open rolling hills that had animals on almost all of them. I actually was driving from lusk back to torrington once and there was a coyote staring into a herd of cattle on the right side of the road, kinda funny as the cows were all facing him and he was just trotting back and forth in front of them at about 50 yards, only 100 yards off the highway, I stopped and shot the coyote- ha ! it was a real beetch getting to the yote from the highway though that big ditch on the roadside is bigger than I thought it was. I took it back to the ranch I was hunting on and the guy hung it on the fence for the others to see I guess ? dont know ? game rich land out there for sure !!!!!

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