antelope early vs late



I see in the Wyoming regs there are early hunts and hunts that start ten days later but have better draw odds. Is there a big advantage to early besides that they haven't been hunted yet. Do the bucks break off? First timer here trying to decide what to put in for. Tks nwhunter
There are definite advantages and disadvantages to each hunt. Obviously by the late hunt the bucks have been "cherry-picked" and some of the better bucks are likely gone.

Depending upon the unit and number of tags the antelope may be pretty wild and tougher to stalk during the later season. Depending upon the season dates the rut may be winding down during the 2nd season which will mean it is tougher to stalk them as well. Antelope "generally" start herding up the first part of Oct which can mean more eyes and tougher stalks.

I've heard Eastman's say that in Oct the bucks are a little easier to judge because they are herded up and you can compare bucks against eachother? I'm not sure if I agree but it sounds good. As a general rule the 2nd seasons are an easier draw and it "may" be easier to take care of the meat if the temperatures have started cooling down. Some smart ole bucks may come out of hiding later in the season when many guys start hunting deer and elk. Those are about the only advantages I can think of for hunting the later seasons.
In Wyoming, with a rifle, you should have good hunt success in the later season (I wouldn't wait until the end of that late season). The bucks in the early seasons, especially mid to late September, are rutting hard which makes for fun and exciting hunt. By mid October, the antelope will be herding up. You'll be able to judge multiple bucks together, but there will be many eyes on you. By late October, you may find herds of 100 or more. That's a tough stalk, but still doable with a rifle....If you wait in until late and end up with a snowstorm on your hands, you may be sorry. Hunt a week or two either way of October 1 and I suspect you'll be fine.
Some years ago, I hunted unit 90 early and we harvested some dandy goats. Then a few years later, we went back on a late hunt and we had a much tougher time.
The antelope were all bounched up (groups of 100 or more)and it was tough to get in rifle range, without being spotted. We finally resorted to driving them to each other, and we eventually filled our tags with small bucks, but it was not the quality hunt we had earlier.
It was also flat out freezing cold on the late hunt we went on. We only took a tent to sleep in and we had water freeze solid in our tent. It may not be that way on any given year, but be prepared.
Thanks for the replies. We are thinking of units 47 or 48 in the second hunt so would be hunting around Oct. 5. Draw odds are a lot better as we have 0 points so take our chances I guess. Good info tks nwhunter
Keep in mind that in area 47 during the late hunt, you cannot hunt in the Shirley Basin country between 77 and 487, which will significantly decrease the amount of public land country you can hunt.
I've hunted both early and late and have enjoyed hunting earlier myself. The late hunt we went on the weather was brutel and it was much harder to make a stalk on that many sets of eyes. I also like to chase antelope early because then it doesn't interfer with deer or elk season.

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