Antelope Doe/fawn Tags in 60 & 61


Very Active Member
Can someone tell me if there will be any and how many antelope doe/fawn tags there will be for unit 60 and 61?
No tags for 60, but yes for 61. Numbers won't be known for some time until the G&F publishes the final Rules & Regulations in a couple months.
Evidently the goat population dropped enough that the area biologist decided extra doe/fawn tags weren't warranted this year in unit 60. That's why the G&F has biologists on the job and one of their main jobs is to track population trends of the various species within their assigned area.
I think its a good thing they eliminated doe tags, I wish they would do so for the entire western portion of the state for at least a couple of years. Last year it was like thousands of antelope just vanished, like they were sucked up by a vacuum. Crazy, I think that winter was harder on the antelope than they expected....
Why is that unit 61 next door is did the opposite and gave out a ton of doe/fawn tags in 2011. Is there that much difference in neighboring units in that part of WY?

Can a person also pull doe/fawn tags for a different unit then where their buck pronghorn tag is. So pull a unit 57 pronghorn buck tag and then 2 doe/fawn tags in 61?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-12 AT 02:18PM (MST)[p]Yep; you can get up to 4 doe/fawn tags if you get them in the proper units that are eligible for two. Some units even allow a second buck tag to be purchased in the same year.
I agree with giving the doe/fawn tags a cut this year. we hunted both southwest and east of Casper and the goats just were not there. Usually they've been easy to find...but last year was the worst we've seen the goat population in the 20 years we've been going out to WY. We were in 48 and 30. Horrible numbers.....left with one doe fawn tag each. We were ok with that.

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Well, I know some of you guys may scoff at this but I went with unit 60. I know numbers are down and there are likely better units, but there has to be a few good bucks left in the unit. In 2010, it had a 94% success rate and in 2011 the resi draw odds were still bad, which tells me there's got to be something of interest in there. I sure hope so!

Not to mention I want to scout for unit 100 elk.

The southern half of unit 60 is showing in Eastmans as having extreme winter kill last year, so if you draw you may want to at least start your hunt in the northern half unless you find it crowded with hunters.
Thanks for the info Topgun.

I was looking at the WYDFG website for the years 2008 to 2011. Here's the tag numbers they issued in 60:

-2008 - 77
-2009 - 82
-2010 - 78
-2011 - 125

What I can't figured out is why if there was such an extreme winterkill in the winter of 2010/2011 why did they give out 50% more tags that year? The other years are all pretty consistent. I'd like to know what they're proposing for 2012. Anyone have a clue?

No clue and people are asking the same thing about other units, in particular deer units down south and southwest. It looks like they should have cut back last season after that harsh winter and now it looks like they are listening to people, but it's one of those "it's a day late and a dollar short" type of deals. Until the Rules & Regulations come out in print in early summer it's just a guessing game as to what the tag numbers will be.

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