Antelope/Cattle ???


Long Time Member
My son has a archery antelope tag here in Utah, we've scouted the unit quite a bit know a lot of the water holes... But with the summer coming into full swing some of the water is drying up and the cattle seem to be camping out on whats left and not leaving...

My question is how much will the cattle effect the antelope from coming to water??? I haven't seen one antelope come in when cattle are present... And all of the water that's left have at least 10 to 20 cows just lounging next to the water...

Anybody have experience with this???
In this part of the country they drink around cattle all the time. if cattle are around where you're at most of the time I'd expect them to adjust the same.

Wild ( feral ) horses are another matter I've seen them chase pronghorn off.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Antelope generally have to water every day or 2...especially when it's hot out! Sounds like it may be worth trying a cow decoy?
If antelope have a choice they'll generally hit the waterhole the cows are not on. If they don't, they'll eventually come in. Make sure your blind is well protected. They cows will ruin it. They'll also rub on your truck. . . A cow decoy would be a good idea.
The ranch I hunt on in Wyoming has lots of cows and I see the antelope come in after the cows leave the water tanks.

I bought this last year to try but never needed it. I added some camo webbing below the belly to help hide better, might try it this year just for schitts-n-giggles:)

Thanks for all the info.. as for a blind we will be in a Doublebull blind... But we are also using a antelope decoy from my sons work, that can be set out at the water hole or used to stalk behind... Its going to be a fun hunt whether he gets one or not... The bonus to all this is I have a $600.00 pending charge for Az. It looks like him and I get to hunt couse later on in the year!!!!!!
I'm not exactly what state you are hunting but if it were me I definitely wouldn't set up my Doublebull without 4+ strands of barb wire around it to keep the cows from trashing it! If you don't have a snug fence calves may also crawl inside and tear your blind to pieces! If you hunting Wyo for any length of time your blind may also end up in Nebraska (wind).

There are also a few other considerations. The ideal scenario is an extended period of dry and hot with few water sources available. If there are many water sources, smart ole bucks will likely wander to other water if you haven't given them time to acclimate to your blind. If it rains the antelope will likely water out of puddles.

Not to include so many negatives but I've learned most of this from trial and error!

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