antelope buck pic


Active Member
What do you antelope experts think of this buck? The pic is not of any quality, but you can get an idea of his size.


Is he a shooter or would you pass?? Score??

Yep, even with marginal quality on the pic I'd have to say I'd poke a hole in him. It looks like his ears are back, but even then his fork is probably 2 inches above his ear.
Over 16 inches??? Can't quite tell how far he curls in on the top. Nice buck nonetheless.
He looks fairly heavy and may push 16. The hooks I see look good (what little I can see of them.) If it were me, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I would hate to try and score him without him being down, but I would guess high 70's or low 80's.

Good luck, I hope you get a chance at him.

Hard to say but he sure looks good. I'd bet he'd make B&C. I'd shoot first and ask questions later.
I don't think that the hooks look all that impressive, but that isn't the best angle for the hooks. His length is great, 15.5-16" likely. Medium prongs maybe 5-6". 82" BC, likely. Great buck, BANG!
Went out again today to take pics and found this buck again. This time i got some better pics i think. I have to wait unil i get them back from getting developed. I also found another buck that is a little smaller than this buck but still a nice one. I will post the pics later tonight. Please take a look later and let me know what you think.


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