Antelope blinds.....



Anyone got theres out yet here in Idaho? Found a waterhole today that had 5 different groups of antelope coming into it that I saw. That was just south and east of the hole. Couldnt see to the west and north of it. Saw a huge buck running a smaller buck also.He had 9 doe's and fawns with him. Got a couple friends coming to southern Idaho to hunt. They are from northern Idaho. cant wait to video tape it. They get first shot. Hopefully get the big one on video getting smoked.

mine is UP,in Nevada,for 3 weeks now.Several "LOPES" walking by daily going to water.Should be a good OPENER,Aug 5th,if Monsoon rains stay away --- Good Luck
One of the few animals I have taken with a bow was a speedgoat forma blind on a waterhole. Tons of fun. I don't know how hiding behind some sage, wire, and brush is so much fun and exciting, but it definately gets the adrenalin pumping.
Good luck !

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