Antelope Blind Question?



Well I am going on my first antelope hunt in about 4 days. When I arrive it will be in the afternoon. Do you risk going out and setting up a blind in the middle of the day or would you wait until the next day and do it in the Dark. Then maybe just spot and stalk the first day. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer on this. Hugh
just returned from a SUCSESSFULL Nv. arcery antelope hunt ??? Set "Double Bull 360" up in the dark --- group of "LOPES" walked in cautiuosly at before sunup and trophy buck was taken.Good Luck --- Bruce & Silvergrand
It sounds like you are setting your blind up at a waterhole?There are quite a few factors involved with success at waterholes. First and many other water sources are in the area? Obviously if there are quite a few watering holes the wiser bucks will likely water elsewhere until they get acclimated to a blind. I've had does,fawns, and small bucks come in the day I set up my blinds in areas where my blind was set up by the only water source available.

Next, what is the weather forecast. If it is rainy with puddles everywhere antelope may not come in to the waterhole w/blind. How well does your blind blend in with the surroundings? Does it stand out or blend in with the other vegetation. What size buck are you looking for? If you aren't too picky smaller bucks may come in the day you set up your blind but unless there aren't any other water sources for miles a wise old buck may water elsewhere. Good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-10 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]We scouted it out about 3 weeks ago and we found a seep but the cattle have been hitting it hard and there wasnt a whole lot of water there and we also found a water trough about 2 miles from the seep. The good thing is that when we got to these water sources there were groups of antelope within sight of the water. Iam not to picky I have never had a lope tag but I definetely want to shoot a buck unless its our last hour of the last day than any antelope is coming home with me. The forecast is calling for mostly sunshine and about 85 degrees while we are there so not terribly hot and it shouldnt rain, hopefully. So do you think I should wait to set up the blind since I wont be able to set it up in the dark when I arrive, it wil be around mid day after camp is set up? Thanks for the help guys. Hugh
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, nor can I speak to what will happen to you. I can only tell you what has worked and what has not worked for me.

I have used a pop up blind in Montana and Nevada. Each time I have set up during the day. I try not to run the animals off the water. I wait for them to leave or make sure they are not there.

Every time it has been just the day before I plan to hunt. Some of the antelope seem cautious but they still came in with only one exception. A big buck in Nevada did not come in but I think it was because the cedar berries were being blown from a tree onto my blind and "drumming" or pelting the blind. Those berries made a terrible noise as the buck tried to come in. Other pronghorns came right in and drank (when my blind didn't sound like a cheap drum)!

2 of these sets were right in the open without being brush-in at all (no brush close by).

I have been on 2 successful hunts in Nevada and 4 in Montana and these are the experiences that I have had. You may have a different experience but.....that's hunting.

Good luck and keep us posted.


PS: on one hunt in Montana I used a tree stand that was only about 4' off the ground (small tree). It worked like a charm and 2 of us shot good bucks from it on the same hunting trip.
Thanks Zeke just the info I was wanting. I leave tomorrow morning its about a 4 hour drive and about 1 hour to set camp up and then we will be off huntin antelope. Iam so stoked its way better than Christmaqs I love huntin season. I will keep ya posted on how we do I should be home Friday night or Saturday night. Hugh
Well I missed after sitting water for 14 hrs on the first day and that was my only chance for a shot the whole trip but I will be back for one last try. thanks for everyones advice.

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