Antelope area 20



Anyone know how the antelope hunting is in this area? Not looking for boone & crocket just good shooters and meat. Also access.
Most of the goats are on private property in that unit and that's why there are always a lot of leftover tags. I wouldn't go out there without setting up a hunt on a ranch for an access fee if it were me.
I have hunted 21 just south of 20 a number of times. It has the same kind of issues TOPGUN is talking about. For me if you don't need to see 100 bucks a day and you are okay with a 13 inch goat then I would say go for it. Either a good GPS or maps are required. Make sure you know where you are if you are trying to stay on Public ground. You will more likely then not be told to leave ground that is state or BLM by the local people, so you have to know where you are so you can stay. Compared to Goat hunting in other states like Idaho that I have done it is great.

Thanks for the info guys.By the way Top Gun I drew an area 45 Elk tag so I'll be going out there in Sept.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-13 AT 01:09PM (MST)[p]>Thanks for the info guys.By the
>way Top Gun I drew
>an area 45 Elk tag
>so I'll be going out
>there in Sept.

You'll love the area and if John draws his resident tag I'll go out for the last half of September and may just see you. Send me a PM if you need any help on 45! I think dz also gave you some good information on 20, especially if you can work two hunts out on one trip and what he said would probably work out okay for you.
20 had pretty good numbers of antelope last year and I saw several nice bucks on what little public there is. Granted this was a week before the season. But like several have mentioned, there isn't much land you can access to hunt, and what there is gets hammered pretty bad the first few days. If you really must hunt that unit I'd plan on going later in the season when everyone is gone, you may not find any big bucks but you should still have a fun hunt.

By the way, the biggest antelope buck I've ever seen alive was in 20. This was in 2009, towards the south end of the unit on a small section of public. This lone buck maybe 100 yards off the freeway just feeding on some sagebrush, he was easy 17" with lots of mass and great cutters, just a brute. Most of the bucks in that area tend to be shorter with good mass, not lots of tall ones but you do see a few. Good luck on your hunt.

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