Antelope and groundblinds



Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone has had success hunting antelope from a ground blind? I was thinking of using one during the archery season. I have used one for deer and had good results with them coming into range the very day I moved it. Are antelope this accepting or do I need to put it up in advance?

as long as it looks Natural,THEY will come.BUT as always,its Your "SCENT" that will save a "LOPE".I like if possible to put up 2 Blinds so as to keep my STINK/SCENT away from when that Buck comes in ??? Have a archery "LOPES" tag in the Silver State with a Aug 4th Opener.Off this weekend to put up 2 Blinds.Good Luck ---
You need to watch out and check the regs where you hunt at, I believe that you can not dig a pit blind on BLM or Forest Service land. And they (BLM) really get upset with you if you cut brush to brush in the blind...

Yes, they are very effective if you are hunting the only water source in the area... but if it rains and there are puddles everywhere, you will have a long wait, either way bring a good book to read.

I've been hunting antelope from blinds for years and have learned a lot over the years. Will an antelope come in to water soon after a blind is put up? There are a lot of factors envolved.

How many other water sources are in the area? If there are a lot of water sources obviously the antelope will water elsewhere.

How hot and dry is it? Obviously the hotter and drier the better. If there are puddles from recent rains antelope will drink out of them. Extended periods of hot and dry are the best bet.

Are you looking for a B&C buck or an average buck? B&C bucks don't reach that stature by being dumb! I was after super buck for several weeks and found out he was watering at night!

How long will the antelope have to get used to your blind? Obviously the longer the better. You don't even need to camo a blind if it will be up for several weeks prior to the season...especially if there are few other water sources. I've had dinky bucks, does, and fawns come in as soon as I set up blinds but usually the booners don't come in unless they have a lot of time to get used to the blind.

I have found that wind really doesn't matter to antelope as much as their eyesight! Having the proper blind setup that prevents them from seeing movement is key for them not spooking (if they have acclimated to the blind). I've had countless mature bucks lay down about 300 to 500 yards from a waterhole for several hours watching the blind and surroundings. Finally coming in after they think the coast is clear.

The only time wind direction seems to matter is when they didn't have time to acclimate to a blind. I've had a multitude of antelope that weren't acclimated to a blind wander back and forth licking their noses trying to catch wind of the blind. In fact, many of these spooky antelope would wander downwind from the blind....snorting countless times as they go! If a blind is up at least 2 weeks prior to the hunt I hardly ever have this happen.

One thing that will allow antelope to acclimate to a blind quicker is if the blind blends into the surroundings. I usually put my blinds up well in advance of the season so it really doesn't matter. In fact, I currently use blinds that stick out like a sore thumb. This ought to get you started?
Thanks for the tips! I have been checking this site out for a long time and finally joined.

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