Antelope 7 sold out... now looking at going to 8



Well as always the plans have changed, did not expect 7 to sell out after checking the previous years draw odds and talking to different people on this site. I did my research and reviewed maps of unit 7 only to find out I won't be going there. I remember hearing a little bit of positive info regarding unit 8, but was wondering if there was a different place to look into that would also incorporate region B deer? Any info would be great, feel free to send a PM. I'm basically wandering around in the dark right now and feel the pressure as tags go on sale in a day.

I thought the info on the walk in areas would be a little more detailed but all I found was the map showing where they are. Not sure on the sizes of the properties which are incorporated in the walk in areas.

No need to warn me about region B deer... I've read about how bad it can be. Hopefully we'll be able to add a success story to all the bad press the region gets.

Also, we'll be on public land if there is any because we haven't secured any private as of yet. Not sure if any decent private land would still be available, but will try to make some calls once we have our hunt areas secured.

Thanks in advance for any info.
I was also surprised that 7 sold out because I suggested that unit to several different paople. A couple got back to me saying they had drawn the tag and a couple haven't emailed me back and I'm wondering if they're pissed and didn't draw. Anyway, if I were you, I would buy a leftover tag tomorrow morning for unit 29. It has a lot more BLM land than 8 and also has 113 tags up for grabs compared to 89 in 8. You didn't mention whether you were planning on going for the opener, but I would wait a few days for the crowds to leave and you'll also have a lot better chance at getting on a ranch then too.
We're not going for the opener, will be there in the middle of week 2. We picked up a region B deer tag and unit 8 antelope.

Looks like mule creek junction falls within unit 8, but not sure on what that area holds for antelope.

I'm hoping we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot by going this route, but we are also trying to find some private land for trespass hunts.

Anyone hunt 8 before? I can't find anything on that unit on here.

Is your email currant under your profile? If it is, I will send you some info by email that should help you out on Unit 8 for Antelope.

We hunted A7 last year and did well on private land. 1 hunter I talked to had been all over the WIAs and was very dissapointed in the amount he had seen. Could be why this season the WGF reduced the total quota by roughly 60%. We came up 2/doe tags short(counting on the leftover tags). I called the rancher we hunted last year on and asked if he had property in another Area. He said A8 and we were welcome to hunt it BUT!!! it's not a very good unit to hunt in, at least where his property is located. So we'll probably just take our single Doe tags and then shoot prairie dogs for 2 days or go sight seeing.
I was going to buy a leftover unit 7 as well. May just do points this year for antelope and see what next year brings.
yes kilowatt my email is up to date and any info would be great. We're making calls for private property but don't have anything lined up yet. Hoping something will line up soon.

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