Antelope 40-1 scarce.....



So my son and I drew 40-1 for antelope rifle hunt. I have hunted Wyoming Nevada and Utah for antelope so consider myself somewhat savvy in their ways and where to find them.

Well 40-1 is a tough nut. In three scouting trips we have seen about 20 antelope, 1 buck, VERY widely dispersed.

If anyone who is familiar with that area would message me with some ideas on where we should be looking we would greatly appreciate it.

I have looked in the Triangle area which is where we saw the 20 (all on private land), then I have scouted the entire W side of the unit all the way down to Cow Creek and found no antelope.. nothing. Could not believe we couldn't find any antelope in the Cow Creek area....very antelopey...

Anyway...any help would be appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-13 AT 11:08AM (MST)[p]oh yeah....this isn't really my first post. I have been off and on here for years....the find my password function never seems to work on here so I have had to re registered several times.
If you know some one that has a plane you might consider flying it.Considering what gas cost,and as big as the unit is it may pencil out about the same or cheaper!
I had a 40 deer tag a few years ago. Assuming the boundry's are the same, the only place I saw antelope was just NE of Doyle Mtn. Probably saw 15 - 20 of them. The biggest buck was 12" or so. I'd take the worst goat tag in Wyoming over that tag...
I used to hunt down there quite a bit. Never saw many goats. They are there, but I'd guess you need to drive quite a bit to find them. Find water.
They are there. I usually can find a few to look at. There aren't as many as there used to be, that's for sure.

Are you looking for a big buck or any buck?

Can't help much with a big one, but if you aren't picky, pm me.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-13 AT 08:05AM (MST)[p]Yes we have been working from water sources...haven't even seen any tracks in most places. The Fish and Game guy assures me they are out there.....somewhere.....I have looked high on the ridges and low on the flats....hmmmm....

Like the plane idea...but then I would have to leave the one of those little 1 engine things :).

Yeah Wyoming is amazing for antelope...makes Idaho look barren.

Femoral..sent you a pm.
Hey Mike,
If you do fly it, I very highly recommend John Romero who owns Owyhee Aviation based out of Nampa airport. Awesome pilot, ex air force and commercial, has biology background, and does most of the aerial wildlife surveys out there. Plus he lives in the unit and knows it well.


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