Antarctica to Pyramids _ Lights Dim for Earth Hour

Well good for you.

Me on the other had will have mine on.
I might change some 60 watter for some 120 watter. Open a few windows and turn on the AC.
Powder River Baby.
I forgot to mention that I'm going out of town to my vacation home until sunday evening. It's cold there and I'll have to build a fire in the 5' wide old stone fireplace. I'm also afraid of the dark so I keep my lights on all night. But the lights will be off at the home place as previously written.

There you go! Nice, keep a big fire going. One that Al Gore would like.
Go Big..
Sent the wife to town for 100 watt bulbs...she bought out the store. Think I'll start up the coal furnace for good measure.

This is one night I won't be folling the kids around turning off lights...

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-09 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]I figure that since Al Gore will fail to turn his lights off at his Tenn. mansion, why should I turn my lights off at home.


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