Another Reason To Hate Bikers

Cut him some slack. He lives in UT. That is bound to wear on anyone
I live in Colorado, 15 miles south of the Wyoming border. My dad is from New Mexico, and has a house on the rez in Arizona. My sister lives in Tonasket, Washington. I have a shop in the Logan, Utah area. The west country is awesome from top to bottom. The people are a strange bunch. I would rather work for a lib than an old farmer. I would definitely rather have an old farmer for a neighbor.
I don’t get calling the cops. We never did that when I younger. I saw another Karen video where a lady gets knocked down in the parking lot for being stupid by trying to grab the guy’s phone that was filming. She called the cops, she was obviously wrong, and the guy wanted charges against her. I would have let it go unless I’m injured. People throw around the assault claim and really latch on to being a victim. This 75 year old man calling the cops because he went through something unpleasant needs to grow up.
This dude is very lucky he was able to call the cops to come give him his disorderly conduct ticket.

He does this to the wrong “punk teenager” and this ends very differently. I hope he learned a lesson.
The group of 4-8 road cyclists on a curvy canyon road that are 4-5 wide are the WORST!! They tend to be 50-65 year old men who act like spoiled toddlers.

If you can’t get to—and maintain the speed limit going up hill on a public street then why is it legal to be there? Make them get licenses and insurance like everyone else.

You can cut the arrogance with a knife with these road pedal morons. The more they dress like Lance Armstrong, the bigger the deusche!!!!
The group of 4-8 road cyclists on a curvy canyon road that are 4-5 wide are the WORST!! They tend to be 50-65 year old men who act like spoiled toddlers.

If you can’t get to—and maintain the speed limit going up hill on a public street then why is it legal to be there? Make them get licenses and insurance like everyone else.

You can cut the arrogance with a knife with these road pedal morons. The more they dress like Lance Armstrong, the bigger the deusche!!!!
Some of us anyway…
The ones I like are the ones who ride on the street. You come up behind them and slow down until you see an opening to pass. After you pass, you come to a stop sign and they pass you and blow through the stop sign. Then you're right behind them again and it starts all over.
Haha old man needs to get the brakes beat off of him. I live in a very popular “hobby bicycling area” had some dude pull some similar crap after I passed him, he was riding in the middle of the road so I went around him. He flips and starts screaming at me at a stop sign, when I put the car in park and un did my seat belt and started to get out he clammed up and rode off… the gal on some of these old timers, I get it man you might have been tough back in the day, but your 75 wearing spandex and clip ons, chill TF out
Cut him some slack. He lives in UT. That is bound to wear on anyone
Thank you for confirming my recommendations mulecreek…..don’t come to and never move to Utah.

Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho and Arizona are far better places to visit and relocate to.

I should have kept track better but this must be at least the hundredth reason I shared for not to move here.

You think I’m being sarcastic…….. I’m just sharing truth incidents that have been confirmed and you’ve seen with your own eyes and heard with your own ears. Utah is a terrible place to live, whether you’re 73 or 18.

Don’t doubt what you know to be true. Keep moving, nothing good to see here.

If I can save one person, it’s worth every effort put forth.
On Saturdays I will come to the office in the morning. There are road cyclists that I see about half the time south of my shop. There is a bicycle lane on that road. Yet they end up in a wide mob in the car lane. When people finally pass them they honk and the cyclists all shoot the bird at the car drivers. They seem like self absorbed assholes.

At the same time a friend of mine actually was hit from behind and killed while cycling. I don't ever want to cycle on a Houston road. I don't care if I have my own lane or not.
I know on the Texas A&M campus there are bicycle police that write tickets every day for cyclists running stop signs.
Campus police are usually dweebs (not all of them, of course)

I was going to Humboldt State back in the 1960's and had a class that went to 9pm. After class I was walking out to the parking lot and I saw a campus police watching me. I decided to give him a chase. I stopped at a door I knew was locked and rattled it real hard. He told me to halt and I took off running. He chased me around campus for about half an hour. I kept just far enough ahead of him to give him hope. Then I took off and ditched him easily. I really enjoyed going to college. :)
It was the summer of 1969, North Hollywood, Calif. One of two bicyclists (most likely, likely only two in the entire city). We made a rolling stop through a subdivision neighborhood stop sign. A very polite Officer Of The Law, fired up the siren and flipped on all the flash he could muster, came flying down the quiet little street, slide around the corner and came to a thrilling stop, next to my front wheel. Introduced himself and wrote out a “Failing To Stop” moving vehicle ticket.

I went to the Court House and handed the ticket to a nice older lady and said, “I wasn’t in a vehicle.” She said, “That will be $52!”

Oh Well, What The Hell!

First lier hasn’t got a chance around here.

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