Another poacher pays the price



I think there should be a forum section here just to post up these reports and publicize the names of these scum bags.The $3,500 was light IMO but I like the 35 years of lost hunting rights!|topnews|text|Frontpage

LIVINGSTON (AP) ? A Park County judge fined a Wisconsin man $12,000, ordered him to pay $3,500 in restitution and suspended his hunting privileges for nearly 35 years for hunting violations in Montana.

An attorney for 57-year-old John J. Dziaduch said her client plans to appeal.

The Livingston Enterprise reports Dziaduch was sentenced Monday by Justice of the Peace Linda Budeski. In December, Budeski found Dziaduch guilty of 23 misdemeanor hunting violations spanning from 2004 to 2010. The offenses included making false statements when applying for or obtaining numerous resident hunting permits as well as unlawful possession of an unlawfully killed black bear and antelope buck.

Court records indicate that when Dziaduch was charged this summer, he had a Seymour, Wis., address. On Monday, his address was listed as Livingston.
At least it's a "feel good" story about another captured scumbag! Seems like he got off light for that many years of poaching.

Thanks for sharing it with us!

With that many violations over a number of years it sure shows he was an habitual offender. Let him appeal the sentence all he wants and even if they drop it to 20 or 25 years loss of priviledges he'll be too old to hunt. That sentence will apply to all the reciprocating states in the Wildlife Violator Compact, so he's not just screwed in MT. It's too bad that with that many violations that they can't charge him with a felony or two that would also mean he couldn't possess a firearm for the rest of his life.
.....poor guy was prolly just trying to feed his family....

Taking away his hunting rights won't do much. He'll just save the cost of a tag the next time. Jail time and a big fine would be better.
+1 oldman. I never understand why states think taking away hunting rights does anything. These guys have already proven they will hunt without the permits. Story time-A few years ago I had the privilege to turn in a poacher from my area. He was prosecuted and convicted. The very next year I saw him shoot a buck and when the game warden arrived his sons tag was on it and they said his son had harvested it. Both the guy and his son were carrying rifles. I wish the state would have done more than give him a $5,000 fine and probation. Take away his right to carry/own a gun, after all he did commit a gun crime.
I agree with Oldman as well. That's like catching a guy for driving without a license, and revoking his license as punishment.
"Take away his right to carry/own a gun, after all he did commit a gun crime."

Jeez, I really wish you guys would stop, think, and say something intellegent before you speak! You are talking about taking away constitutional rights over a misdemeanor crime.
>"Take away his right to carry/own
>a gun, after all he
>did commit a gun crime."
>Jeez, I really wish you guys
>would stop, think, and say
>something intellegent before you speak!
> You are talking about
>taking away constitutional rights over
>a misdemeanor crime.

Whats your solution Dwalton?
the punishment needs to continually be raised. Taking away his hunting privileges does nothing. Hes already hunting without a license. I'm not necessarily advocating taking his right bare arms away, but people like him need to be punished where it hurts.
First time offense: fine
Second: fine, jail
Third: take his right to bare arms
Forth: Jail/Prison
KDHunting-What's even worse than his crime you spoke of,is the fact that he is teaching his kid to do the same thing-ensuring that poaching live on in perpetuity.Poaching has to stop somewhere,somehow.If that includes making it a felony,then so be it.Present day penalties are simply not enough.Make it a felony with mandatory jail time and vehicle confiscation?Maybe people would think twice about doing it if the penalties were extremely harsh?As far as taking hunting privileges away,I once had a warden tell me that is the first question asked by most game violaters.They want to know if they will lose their hunting rights.So,apparently,that is a concern to them,just not enough of a deterrent to make them not commit the act.I'm speaking only of egregious cases such as winter range trophy poaching-not the guy who shoots across a road during season,or some other minor offense.
"I'm speaking only of egregious cases such as winter range trophy poaching-not the guy who shoots across a road during season,or some other minor offense."

That's a slippery slope. A game violation will be just that in the eyes of the law - a violation. Make it a felony and you will lose your gun rights just the same as a winter range poacher.

Don't think it can happen? Remember all the law enforcement people who lost their careers over a domestic violence charge on their records (misdemeanor offenses)?

I agree that poaching is low life, but easy on the lynch-mob mentality.
Laws could be drawn up specific to each situation.Just like the winter range statute presently on the books.Put more teeth into the law.The laws as they are now are obviously not a deterrent.Slippery slope?Maybe.These scumbags are taking YOUR trophies!Should we just stay status quo?If you can't do the time,don't do the crime.Personally,it wouldn't bother me in the least if some idiot became a felon because he poached a trophy on the winter range.Don't be a criminal and you won't have to worry about it.Pretty simple concept.I've heard it from more than one warden.It's been estimated(I don't know how they get this info)there are as many deer taken illegally as there are taken legally.Don't know if there's any truth to that,but I'm betting the percentage is pretty high.Poachers are criminals that prey on the vulnerable.SCUMBAGS.
Poachers should not only have their hunting rights taken away for good, but they should be forced to do volunteer work for the dnr during all the hunts and rutting seasons to keep an eye on them for the rest of their lives...

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