another Oregon buk.....


Long Time Member

Les Schwab's grand daughter. She bought the Governors tag
looks a bit on the thin side for its size but... maybe 220 gross? Just a guess, and I won't claim to be good at scoring, but its kinda fun to guess.
Yah I'm sure she drove down her 'ol grandpa's driveway and killed the little booger! ;)

I got that pic a couple weeks ago and heard that it was killed on a private ranch outside Imnaha.

I can't see it netting anything spectacular but still a great buck.

Looks like Fossil unit type country but I don't recognize it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-10 AT 04:57PM (MST)[p]Thats a great buck and doesnt look thin to me!! Nets are for fishing!
Damn!! Nice buck. She got her money worth. I wonder how much the tag sold for. Either way Congrats
This buck was taken with John grossed 224 4/8. I have some live pic's of the same deer if I can figure out how to post them.

Live2hunt & Hunt2live
There aren't as many old bucks as people think behind those locked gates.....and I will agree that there is a hell of lot more than there is on public ground......but there are still a few old bucks left on public ground......although they have damn sure changed habits the last 10 - 15 years. I believe most people (including ODF&W biologist) don't realize how old a buck needs to be to reach his full genetic potential. In my country it takes at least 7 years, and it's possible for them to grow bigger and better scoring antlers each year until they are 12, depending on their body condition coming out of the winter and forage conditions from March - August....... As we all know in most cases it isn't the habitat that needs improvement to extend their lives.

Live2Hunt & Hunt2Live
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-10 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p]That's a great buck, but this says something about the size of deer in Oregon, Julie has the resources to get on about any property in the state, with the governors tag, lots of scouts looking, in the rut.

Now how many mule deer states could you do that in and not kill a buck that makes book? or should I say doesn't appear he'll book if rumors are true. nuff said.
Granted.... Oregon probably has one of the lowest book potential percentages per mature buck ratio of any mule deer state. What it takes..... is not killing the good ones when they are still growing. Big bucks are rare enough that hunters just can't let them walk. It just doesn't happen on public ground and very seldom on private. Here?s a pic of a 4 1/2 year old buck that I took this past season. (Yeah.... we let him walk) He will grow into a book buck.....maybe even as quick as this next year, can you guess what he might be at... say 7 - 10 yrs. old? I think he has the potential to grow into a net 200+ typical buck.....which is scarce as hens teeth here in Oregon.


I agree, I used to carry a 22 pistol so I could jump out of the pickup shooting in the air to scare the yearling bucks off the roads during season. I've done that to literally hundreds of little bucks over the years, I doubt it helped that much but if it saved even one from the raod hunters it was worth it to me. in Oregon any buck is a dead buck if they hang around the road, it seems like the average hunter just has to kill and size doesn't matter.

I don't know if hunters are really the problem anymore though, the area I hunt it's very rare to see a hunter 50 feet off the road and the roads are miles apart. it's ever rarer to see a deer now days.
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