Another one bites the dust



Do you ever sit and wounder, did I put my all in it, should I have stayed out that extra 5 minutes. I keep playing my uneventful season over and over. Don't get me wrong I had a good time. Just seams this year was different some how.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-11 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]The only time I have ever been in a ground blind for the better part of the morning was opening day of the archery season in 2004. My brother put me there. I thought it was just so he could get rid of me, but it turns out I was wrong. I was 50 yards from the blind when deer heads started appearing out of nowhere in the brush. I was pegged! 15 bucks! One was a 4x6 about 25 wide and really tall. There were several small 4x4's and a few yearling bucks. I sat there and looked at them just out of my range as they slowly (about 10 minutes) worked there way off the ridge. If I would have stayed put I could have killed a really cool buck. My little brother missed the 4x6 with a muzzle loader that year.

This year I felt like I played my cards okay. I did jump one buck out of patch of trees and I had had the though come to mind to look in there for deer. My dumb. Then on the extended hunt I thought a baby 2x2 was the only buck in the does and I moved on and looking back I was a much better buck booking it up the hill. I think more than staying in a place longer I need to look closer and take a little more time in the optics.
The only Good oprotunity I had on a bull this year, Was a 370 and my range finder choked. Zipped a stick over his back at 50 yards. Ok maybe I choked, Had a great time with ny dad though.
I have been there Nick, In 2009 I had my finger to close to the trigger, on my muzzle loader before I was ready for my shot, and scared of a nice 4 point stag buck. I was so upset the rest of the muzzy season! Then I ended up taking a good buck during the rifle. This year though was the year of all years. I took 2 trophy animals (buck & bull) with my bow on the same day! How often does that happen?
Quite a few years back, my brother, dad, his friend and I were hunting together, with muzzleloaders. We were at a spot, overlooking a large bowl. Some bucks had been coming over one ridge, day after day, and my brother and I had squandered a few opportunities at these bucks. It was a bachelor herd, about fifteen bucks, ranging from 180+ down to forked horns. Keep in mind, I was only fourteen or fifteen at the time. My father was in a bad car accident years before this, and has a broken neck, so he told my brother and me to go up to a spot on a finger ridge, about a hundred yards or so from the saddle the bucks had come over the previous days. We laughed at him, knowing that my brother had shot and missed the day prior, but he told us that as long as they aren't pushed hard, they might just keep the same routine. We were the only hunters in the area, so we decided to give it a try. My brother and I hiked to the finger ridge, and set up. This was about three in the afternoon. We waited and waited, with no deer crossing the saddle. My brother is two years older than me, and says, "They aren't coming, let's head back, so we get to the truck before dark." So I, being the younger, more naive brother, agree. We head back, and by the time we get to the spot my dad and his friend were at (about a thirty minute, downhill hike), they were rolling on the ground, laughing. When we asked them why they were laughing, my dad could barely get the words out of his mouth, "Look at the ridge you guys just came from!" So I got my binoculars up to my eyes, and guess what I saw..... You guessed it, the same bucks, not fifty yards from where my brother and I would have been set up! With only ten minutes left of light, we knew there was no way we would make it back up there. That would have been an opportunity for both of us to have good shots at large deer, as there were several huge bucks in the group. The next day, my dad went up to the same ridge, and shot a nice 4x4. After that, I listened to my dad every chance I get, well when it comes to hungitg anyways....

i have a unfilled montana general elk tag that will bother me til next fall!
Ya I cant wait for my redemption. I do have to say any day out is better than work. I was so excited to get you message Randall. Two P and Y trophys in one day, That will most likely be the one you never forget.

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