another Mt Emily bull



I just read Robinsg61le thread called good Oregon bull. That's about how I hunt, and this year was the first tag I have ever drawn in the Oregon lottery!

We hunted hard all week and found a few good ones, including one we figured was 355. I didn't hunt him for 3 days and when we did, we spent 3 more days looking for him, but never could. We saw lots of bulls, but no huge ones. Finally on Thursday night I decided to try to shoot a 7x6 that we had found and spent all day Friday waiting for him to come out. We worked into a spot that was 531 yards from where he spent all day Thursday....when he finally popped out right before dark he was 2 fingers over, at 704 yards. We checked the wind and talked it over and decided to do it.

I watched my first shot start drifting right around 500 yards and it hit him hard about 8 inches back. My buddy saw it too and said to hold 1 minute left and hit him again. I did and watched that shot explode the dirt about 1 inch above his shoulder. My buddy saw it too and said to hold a minute left and a minute low to account for the wind and my 3rd and final shot hit him square in the shoulder and he rolled down the hill aways.

We got over to way after dark and I had already decided not to shoulder mount it, so I didn't spend any time caping it. We got out about 1am and got the rest of the meat the next day.

I had a great hunt, I do think the 12 year wait was worth it. It will be a few years until we hunt the good Oregon units again though.



Great bull! Thanks for sharing pics and story! Glad that u guys not scared to post pics of u guys with your trophy! Some on here are. Same ones are scared on ifish too! Congrats!
Well I was pretty carefull too when I had max points or my buddies did...

On a gear note, I wore all Sitka stuff and cannot say enough good stuff about it! Well worth it at twice the price! I also used a Havalon Piranta knife to do all the work on my bull and was very happy! I did break a few blades, but never had one of them get dull. I will use it on every animal from now on.
Mt. Emily is putting out some studs! Congrats on a sweet bull! You must have a heck of a game room, I would have mounted that bull! Great job, Great bull!
Sitka gear is the best! I Also used my Havalon Piranta on our bull too. They are great tools! Ya, I agree.....should have mounted him! Least caped him out and tanned cape for future! Anyhow, great bull! Honestly, Mt Emily is my favorite unit in Oregon for trophy bulls. I like it that Wenaha gets all the attention tho! :D

On another note....anyone heard of or have pics of monster Wenaha bulls from this fall?
Well thanks for the offer to help, JB and while I was sitting in camp one of the scouting nights I picked up an old Western Hunter and it opened right to your sheep story, which I had missed somehow! Good read!
Drannan ~

WOW! That bull is awesome!!! Congrats on the fine animal and great hunt. Someday I hope to take a bull of that "caliber".

Congrats again...

Dandy BULL. I can't wait untill i get my tag. I have only 9 points so a few more years of looking but oh well. Congrats.
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