Another Grizzly Mauling

Missing his lower jaw???? Are you kidding me? That is as horrific as it gets. I hope the guy comes out as good as possible. He's lucky to be alive.
Holy hell!! Missing his jaw???!!! Wow, hope he survives. He is lucky to be alive.
Very sad. When I lived in alaska you carried a.12 guage with you at all times.
On the river. But it didnt do much if your head wasnt on a swivel. Hope he pulls through
I think I would've rather died....

it'll make it hard to whistle huh JB?

good hell. I should be used to it by now, someones in a bad way and you come up with this?
Good for the bear! Just defending her two cubs, and giving them some jowls to snack on in the process. A new breed of mankillers has been born.

Bad medicine to mess with a momma bear and her cubs. I hope the fisherman recovers. Didn't mention a last name. Bet it's something like Treadwell.
Good for the bear? Defending her cubs? Treadwell??? Are we reading the same article???

"Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-12 AT 11:10AM (MST)[p]Time for "Little" to be banned from this site. What a total scumbag.

This incident is so tragic on multiple fronts. First, the angler who is in such bad shape, my thoughts and prayers go out for his recovery. This is tragic also for the bear as she was likely just doing what bears do, defending her cubs from a perceived threat. Chances are, she'll be shot and her cubs too, but hopefully not. Even more so, I hope she never encouners another person, just disappears into the wilderness.

Danger from bears is real, and we should all understand and accept that, as horrific as it can be in the rare instance that an attack happens.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-12 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]So elknutsinmymouth how is what I said any different from what you said? And I quote: "This is also tragic for the bear as she was likely just doing what bears do, defending her cubs from a perceived threat. Chances are, she'll be shot and her cubs too, but hopefully not"

My point exactly. I did express sympathy for the fisherman. Guess nobody read the part where I said I hope he recovers.

Also - what do you think I meant when I said "A new breed of mankillers is born"???

I guess there are some people who are just too stupid to recognize sarcasm. I'm sorry for you. I know it hurts you to be so dumb. Don't worry though, I am pretty sure your general lack of brain capacity will cause you to forget this within a few minutes.

Just because my post don't read like a freaking Hallmark card and I am not weepy over some old man who didn't take necessary precautions doesn't mean I need to be banned. What forum rules have I broken Mr. Mod elknutsinmymouth? Don't see where it says I have to be so overly sensitive.
>AT 01:33?PM (MST)

>So elknutsinmymouth how is what I
>said any different from what
>you said? And I quote:
>"This is also tragic for
>the bear as she was
>likely just doing what bears
>do, defending her cubs from
>a perceived threat. Chances are,
>she'll be shot and her
>cubs too, but hopefully not"
>My point exactly. I did express
>sympathy for the fisherman. Guess
>nobody read the part where
>I said I hope he
>Also - what do you think
>I meant when I said
>"A new breed of mankillers
>is born"???
>I guess there are some people
>who are just too stupid
>to recognize sarcasm. I'm sorry
>for you. I know it
>hurts you to be so
>dumb. Don't worry though, I
>am pretty sure your general
>lack of brain capacity will
>cause you to forget this
>within a few minutes.
>Just because my post don't read
>like a freaking Hallmark card
>and I am not weepy
>over some old man who
>didn't take necessary precautions doesn't
>mean I need to be
>banned. What forum rules have
>I broken Mr. Mod elknutsinmymouth?
>Don't see where it says
>I have to be so
>overly sensitive.

L2F, Never miss the opprotunity to just shut up!
I dont think I have read one post that would lead me to think L2F should be aloud to breed

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