Another Global Warming Farce

Things keep going like this and it is likely that man made continental shift could potentially bring the land masses back into Pangea also.

This is why alot of people think the ice breakup on the Artic Penninsula is a farse. The top of the penninsula lies at 63 Degrees South. Fairbanks, Alaska lies at 64.8 degrees North. Thus Fairbanks is further from the tropics. People can and do live in Fairbanks, been there, ice melts in summer and magicaly reapears in winter.
I think if you research it further you will find that the ice break up on the penninsula is wind caused. This ice is over sea water not land. This has been going on for longer than man has walked this planet. Still it makes good play in the news, especiially when some of the most important info is left out.
But there is still some thing that liberals can wring their hands about down there. Heat from the earths core is melting the ice under the ice pack. Then in one quick action the whole damm pack will slide into the sea thus flooding Nebraska and central Oregon.


What did you find in error in my post? The latitude? Fairbanks? The sea ice?
Sea ice does break up T. The amazing thing is it won't even add to your feared sea level rise because it has already been floating on the sea.
People live in Tierra Del Fuego, not far from the north end of the penninsula. How could they possible survive there? Been there so I know they do. It is a harsh but beautiful land but land it is with trees and other plant and animal life. Amazing and so damm close to the penninsula.
Maybe by stop taking all your marching orders from the Dems it might open your mind to other possibilities.
Or just keep blaming man for everything thats wrong, real or imagined.

Ransom! That's what I like about you. I now have something to research and think about. I plead a little ignorance. I got most of the information from my son who was all wound up about it. He is a geophyscists with special training in glacielogy (sp) has been to Anartica, Iceland and U.S. glaciers the scientific group he is with seemed to think it was a big deal. Largest in recorded history and that doesn't just include since man has recorded. They have various ways they monitor what has happened before we were here. I probably shouldn't have put the above two sentences on here. I'm now the scientific group that makes me a liberal and the enemy. I'll look into what you listed I try to always listen to intelligent people that may even disagree with me. I guess I better start my research so I don't sound so dumb.

Nobody but idiots thought the earth was flat at the time of Magellan the ancient Greeks figured it out 800 years before Columbus of Magellan. I believe it was Pythagarous.
....and I'd be willing to bet that every salary dollar your son gets is dependent on global warming fears continuing. Just a guess.


Your certainly not my enemy nor do I think you are a liberal. I think you are some where in the middle. You do happen to be left of most MM Members but that doesn't make you bad by any means. Maybe you are guilty of caring but never guilty of being dumb.
Just some food to think about on the penninsula. If the ice was really melting it would be alarming. Again this is sea ice which is very vulnerable to wave action from the westerlies.
Some more food for thought is Admiral Behring's observations in Alaska. Find the book about his voyages and read about the retreat of the Behring Glacier between his voyages. The retreat was unbelievable and happened during a global cooling period or mini ice age. By his estimation the glacier retreated approximately 60 miles in 40 years or something similar to that.
These retreats in the past make me suspicious of it being man caused.

Here is a Book for those who like to read about history etc.
I read this book back in the late 60's when I was still in Vietnam.
A very interesting man for sure.
Edgar Cayce: Sleeping Prophet? Cayce's PropheciesEdgar Cayce Sleeping Prophet (The Other Nostradamus) considered the most documented clairvoyant of the twentieth century!

Okay overton, I dont know what youre talking about, but you telling us not to listen to the science matters little to me. listening to you over the scientist on this matter is like taking the word of the checkout clerk at the meat market over the honest word of the butcher. . . the point should be that only ice not displacing water will add to ocean sea rise. North American glaciers and the ice ON LAND will add to ocean sea rise, ice "floating" in the ocean is already in the ocean.

I dont know why youre making an issue out of a non issue. I think most people understand displacement. . . maybe its news to you, but most of us have been in a boat. . .
d13er You would lose your bet. I'm not sure I totally understand how scientific groups work but he doesn't work as a government scientist. He works for a large geological company in the bay area. Mainly with the contracts they have with Conoco concerning soil, and other crap I don't understand. The company likes employees to publish works and do studies as that then brings them customers or prestige whatever. So no money other than a good expense account, even publish materials are property of company so no additional money. I would bet that T could explain it better than me because of his background. What did we bet that I can collect, was it an elk or deer hunt. LOL

You are mistaken about what I wrote. Never said don't take their word. I pointed out that there is westerlies that can and do breakup sea ice. And that the penninsula is different than the more southern land mass.
I guess I mistakingly believed not everyone understood this to be sea ice not land ice.
And thank you so much for adding land ice to the equation.
I would have never know that adding volume would make the total a greater amount.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-08 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]Ignoring the effects of climate change, whatever the cause, on global wind and the jet stream is insane. You could argue that the wind is shifting therefore the ice is breaking up sooner, or differently, or "worse."

To me if it is observed, it's happening, the key is to pay attention, track it, measure it and collect the information for later use. If you stick to wind caused ice break up theory, and i think you should because it is a large part of the puzzle for the antarctic, you still have at least to be able to come up with a reason for the global increase in land and sea temps, and a couple of reasons WHY the wind has shifted/increased causing a change in the rate, scale, mass and volume of ice break up over recent decades.

Researchers always have said that the key to the climate is the ocean (obviously we dont live in a completely closed system, we do need the sun's rays) but water has, among all the other widely available liquid compounds or mixtures, has a relatively high latent heat value which means it holds its temperature for a long time, it does not like to change from cold or warm or visa-versa, very quickly. So, by the time we see even moderate changes in ocean temperatures things have been working to make the changes for a long period of time (the air temps change faster and more rapidly than do water temps as i'm sure you all know).

What does it all mean, I dont know, but it's interesting and should not be dismissed or used as a political tool to support one party over the other, we all have to live on this earth, there is no place else to go. . . If you believe that what's being reported as global climate change is just a big conspiracy or a huge myth, you are either not paying any attention to the world around you are youre not interested in the truth, it could be both. . .

If you think it's a conspiracy you might like to explain how anyone or two people or 100 or 1000 for that matter slipped it by us with only you knowing. But more importantly, how do we get involved with the planning of this conspiracy, and if Al Gore is the leader, how did he get the world to listen to him when he could not become the president of this free nation?

Have any of you ever been to a professional science conference? If you have, you know why a conspiracy is out of the question . . .
>AT 08:22 AM (MST)

>What does it all mean, I
>dont know, but it's interesting
>and should not be dismissed
>or used as a political
>tool to support one party
>over the other, we all
>have to live on this
>earth, there is no place
>else to go. . .
>If you believe that what's
>being reported as global climate
>change is just a big
>conspiracy or a huge myth,
>you are either not paying
>any attention to the world
>around you are youre not
>interested in the truth, it
>could be both. . .
>If you think it's a conspiracy
>you might like to explain
>how anyone or two people
>or 100 or 1000 for
>that matter slipped it by
>us with only you knowing.
> But more importantly, how
>do we get involved with
>the planning of this conspiracy,
>and if Al Gore is
>the leader, how did he
>get the world to listen
>to him when he could
>not become the president of
>this free nation?
>Have any of you ever been
>to a professional science conference?
> If you have, you
>know why a conspiracy is
>out of the question .
>. .

T where folks take issue is when government MORONS and other militant global warmers are in your face and using global warming for political policies that effect our way of life. Despite what you believe the facts are not in. PERIOD. Then when folks like you preach this hollier than though garbage it causes folks to say STOP already.
We have two sides on this issue. One side is extreme and over the top and the world is about to end. The other side is mor middle ground, saying yes its warming but (then they give a whole litney of reasons) The left is way to extreme on this issue and there in lies the problem.

As far as scientist go and attending a science conference. That means squat to a regular American. Scientist follow the money. Who ever funds the grant gets the results they want. Don't sit here and hold up scientist as some untouchable group free from biased and agenda's. Preception is reality, deal with it!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Ransom I was aware of that I don't like that idea of all that fresh water there. I sit 335 feet above the Ogalla aquifer the largest underground water supply in the world. I was hoping to drill water wells all around my acreage and sell some of the purest water in the world or trade it for oil.

I'm still busy reading and trying to digest several of the articles as well as some additional reading. I don't just believe scientist. I have usually just read the global warming side because of large carbon increases in the environment. That's usually the books and articles I get from my son. I'm reading a great variety the last week and digesting some of the information. Thanks again!
Well not really if you read the whole article. The surface is cooling slightly as a climatic flucation but as it says, it in no way makes up the gradual increase that has been occuring for the last decades. Actually this group is saying this in no way makes up for the global warming that is occuring. So the article really is one on global warming not global cooling. Thanks for the read.
I understand that they say the long term trend is warming. They also say the "cause of the recent cooling is not yet clear" and "further work will be necessary to solve this cooling mystery". They also say "cooling is probably a natural climate variability". The point is why can't warming also be a natural variability. The science as I see it is all over the map and extremely far from settled as some would have you believe.
Maybe the ice melting in the arctic is the result of the newly discovered Hydrothermal vents? thanks
Hey! I agree with you I think there is still research to be done and scientists are quite different on what caused this. I'm interested in it an reading a lot on it. We all agree we are in a warming trend the cause is yet to be positively discovered. Those that say we are cooling because of a particularly harsh winter in one are just not real logical in their thinking.
OK I read the USA Today artcle....scientists blame global warming on us. I've lived on the coast for 40 years - no significant or any change in levels of sea levels yet .Can any one show me flooding on the earth due to global warming?(not storm related)
If there if evidence,what do scientists suggest we do for the constant rise of populations which depend on more glacier melting power plants?
Your global warming theory is ,well just a theory in my opinion.
Glad you asked, here's three articles, two about flooding islands in the south pacific - BTW, the people there will have to move very soon the will in essence lose their entire country, or what's left of it - and the third article is from alaska where the perma frost and warming ocean waters are causing trouble for the local natives. . .

"Several Pacific island states are threatened with total disappearance and 2 uninhabited islands in the Kiribati chain have already disappeared due to sea level rise."

"I find more evidence of this rising water on Tarawa at every turn. In the village of Eita, roughly 30 feet from where Ueanmone Saipolua cooks the family meals, and a few feet left of the path to the beach, lies the grave of her great uncle, who has lain there for half a century. His headstone is pitted, the stone coffin canted sharply. The soil beneath it has been washed away, leaving the coffin to slide into the sea."

"I don't want to live in permafrost no more,? said Frank Tommy, 47, standing beside gutted geese and seal meat drying on a wooden rack outside his mother?s house. ?It's too muddy. Everything is crooked around here."
What the hell does that have to do with global warming?.... But if you need to know then ask the people that have the answers. I just went over there to do my duty. You know the one Americans pay me too do....Unlike you wimpy A$$ punks that want to sit and cry about everything.
The point is: where there's one hoax there usually are more. . .

It also means why should we believe one lie and not the other? As youre aware we get to choose what we believe and what we dont, even if the opposing evidence leads us to the truth. . .

Glad you made it home, thanks for going "over there" where ever there is, and for your service.
4 tours In Iraq.... Here's something you may or may not know...It takes 3 chemicals to make VX agent ( Nerve Gas ) we found all 3 of those chemicals all within 5 km of each other but with out being mixed it couldn't be reported as WMD. But it doesn't take an real smart person to figure out what they where there for. By them selfs these chemicals are no danger. But mixed and one pin prick could kill a man in a matter of min. So the point is how you want to look at something. I think global warming is a hoax and brought on for political reasons and you don't. You think WMD's where brought into fighting Iraq and I know. Have the t-shirt.
All I can report on is what my unit found. But the short answer is not that I know of. Another very rarely reported thing is we were gassed in 1990 during desert storm. My unit was hit with gas on day two of that conflict. To understand, the whole world thought Iraq had WMD's. After 9-11 we didn't need to wait and see. So we went to find out. No we didn't find any nukes. No we didn't find any usable chemical weapons. We did take out a brutal dictator and his two crazy kids. No things didn't go so smooth, But wars never do. All I know is we are kicking their butts every time they engage us. And the Iraq Army is fight the war now with our help. Global warming is a hoax to me because I think humans are dreaming if they think it is supposedly caused by humans. Damed we are a rock third from a frickin hot A$$ ball. Don't you think things may just be a natural thing going on here? the USA protected from flooding? Cause i still havent heard of any rise of ocean water around the country.
And if it rises in one part of the world,should'nt it do the same thoughout?
Please inform me with your great global warming knowledge.

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