Another Gem Regarding Tag Grab!


Long Time Member
I just got this in an email this morning. Looks like the Mossback crew is getting involved and the lie just keep coming. Here is the email in it's entirety that I also posted in the AZ Forum:

Please support this bill for the future of Arizona wildlife. If you have any questions about the bill call me or go to Read Jim's letter below and he shows you how you can reach out to our House of Representatives and Governor Brewer's office. It only takes a few minutes...

Thank for your help,

Jay Lopeman



I am sorry to interrupt your busy life with a special request. This is not some virus that hacked into my email list. I am only sending this to people that I consider my friends. I am asking for your help with the support of House Bill 2072 which will help secure long term funding to make sure that our wildlife are protected for the future generations. This bill creates a much needed firewall to ensure the protection of Arizona's wildlife.

It will help if Governor Brewer's office, and our House of Representatives were to hear from as many people as possible in support of this bill. Please send an e-mail and feel free to ask friends and relatives to contact them as well. I have included some talking points to use in your e-mail, but your letter needs to be in your own words!!. It does not need to be long, it just needs to communicate your support. It can be as simple as "I care about wildlife and support HB 2072".

There is a very vocal minority that is trying to oppose this bill. We need to be more vocal and let those in charge know that we support HB2072 and how passionate we are about protecting Arizona's wildlife.

Attached are all the email addresses in a word document that you can copy and paste directly into your BCC field on your e-mail. PLEASE SEND IT AS A BLIND COPY. That way each recipient cannot see who else it is being sent to. It should be received as a personal e-mail and not read as just a form letter with a massive distribution list. When you send the email to these people, I will also get a copy because I have included my name in the list.

Thank you in advance for your help. This is an important issue to me. Please do not wait. Send your supporting e-mail today.

Thank you!

Jim Hamberlin

Dear Representative,

HB 2072 is good for Arizona, good for wildlife, good for youth and good for sportsmen.

? The proposed sportsmen?s expo will be a $25 million dollar annual economic / tourism driver to our state at a time when we need to help our economy.

? Our wildlife herds are steadily declining and more money is needed to offset issues related to the decline- revenue from the tags will help rebuild our herds

? There is not enough money to deal with the public lands access problem which is ever increasing - We need the additional revenues that will be generated by this legislation

? The department needs more money for youth recruitment- this is the future of our Game and Fish Department

? The auctioning of tags is not commercialization of wildlife. If so, then the department has already commercialized it with their existing special tags program.

? The number of tags is not have a statistically significant affect a sportsmen?s ability to get drawn ? one tag out of one hunt unit has a negligible impact. There are only 54 auction tags; the remainder are draw tags. The additional venue for raffling the tags will give sportsmen additional opportunities to be successfully drawn.

? The department currently pays for tags to be sent out of state to help other out of state sportsmen?s banquets be successful; these tags need to stay in Arizona and be an economic draw for Arizona's economy

? Earlier criticisms of the bill are no longer valid as solutions to fix the concerns have been identified and will be added to the bill

? The criticisms about it benefitting only the rich man is ridiculous. The wildlife and the state of Arizona are the ones who benefit. All of Arizona's sportsmen will benefit. Most of the habitat projects in this state would not be done if not for the current limited special programs

To copy and paste the email addresses below by follow these directions:

. Highlight the list of email addresses

. Left click on the mouse and select ?copy?

. close this page and open a new email : The subject line of your email should be, Please Support HB 2072

.click on BCC (which stands for Blind Copy) you may have to click on CC and the BCC will pop up. My system had a small arrow that gave me the options of CC or BCC

.left click the mouse and select "paste"

.write a short letter expressing your support

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Everybody wanting to get paid, is there anyone in SFW volunteering? Hmm lets see if Ted Turner wants to start SFW Montana??
I am sure that Mossback and the other major guide services strongly support HB 2072. After all, HB 2072 would set aside up to 350 premium tags to be sold to the big money guys. Those same guys typically hire a guide service to hold their hand during the hunt. It would be a shame if Mossback's clients had to actually wait in line like the average joe to draw a tag. If Mr. Lopeman wanted to be honest he would say something along the following lines: "I am sorry to interrupt your busy life with a special request. This is not some virus that hacked into my email list. I am only sending this to people that I consider my friends. I am asking for your help with the support of House Bill 2072, which will help ensure that my wealthy clients are guaranteed premium tags every year while the average sportsmen waits even longer for an opportunity at a quality hunt. This bill will also personally benefit me and my business because the same people who will be purchasing these 350 tags will generally being hiring guides and paying top dollar for their services. If we can get his bill passed into law, we can also use some of the proceeds from these tags to lobby legislators and policitians to further our agenda, which will benefit the wealthy, the landowners, and the guides and outfitters all at the expense of the average sportsman. Thank you in advance for your help. This is an important issue to me. Please do not wait. Send your supporting e-mail today. Thank you!"


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
I don't have any problem in supporting this "Bill" if the majority of the proceeds was going towards wildlife habitat management !!! The auctioning of these tags does generate a great deal of money . Where is the proceeds going towards, IDK ? I wish we could see the break down . But let's face it guys, our wild life needs our help, and it takes money to do so . The more money the better IMO . I'm sure none of us on here are going to pay 100k to 300k for an auction tag . But hey, at least someone is willing to do so, so why mock those guys ? Let those guys pay that kind of money .
But one of the MM members (sagebrush) brought up a pretty good solution IMO ."Solution to AZSFWC and Wildlife Improvement" A Habit Stamp per hunting tag sold !!
Pay an extra $25.00 per hunting tag to go towards Habitat improvement .
I suppose that I might be able support the idea of a few conservation/convention permits (as in one per species or possibly one per species per unit) if 100% of the proceeds were used for actual conservation. Unfortunately, that is not how it works. You start with a few of these tags and once the conservation orgs, fish & game and politicians see how much money they raise, they want more and more of them. You also have the problem that the organizations want their piece of the pie to cover overhead and administrative costs (such as paying salaries to their employees and paying lobbyists to further their agenda). As these groups begin to raise more money and generate more power and influence, they begin to use that power and incluence to push their agenda. Before you know it, they are running the fish and game and dictating their agenda to the average sportsmen that once supported them. Wait, are we talking about Arizona or Utah?

By the way AZMM, are you a professional guide? It seems like I remember you stating some time ago that you were working to obtain a guide license for the Strip. The only reason I am asking is because I think the guides and outfitters would benefit greatly from this tag grab.

As you and others have mentioned, there are better ways to raise money without heading down this road.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
That was awesome of Mossback to give us that quick link to all those politicians. I started so the rest of you regular Joes can join me in bombarding the legislature with emails against HB2072. If you support this bill and sell anything to the hunting community at large I think you are a fool.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 12:33PM (MST)[p]Just sent a nice letter to all those legislators telling them to not even let HB 2072 in any form even get into their hallowed halls, LOL!
Whether you like this kind of "tag grab" or not, this all boils down to U.S. citizens exercising their right to political freedom and in the outfitters cases, their right and freedom to pursue their desire to be an entrepeneur in their chosen field. It really is no different than a contractor or a doctor or a lawyer owning their own business and having people pay them for what they could ultimately do themselves if they took the time to study and learn procedures. I respect oppinions such as Hawkeyes and TopGuns and I think that all are great and warranted. I agree with a lot of what you guys believe in too (even more so lately) but, as sportsmen and women, we may never see the day when we can come together and fight for a common purpose where wildlife is concerned. We may just have too many diverse oppinions that will get in the way of progress. It will eventually be our downfall. Some have chosen to use the media and the political platform to further their cause, which is their God given right to do. Whether you agree with Don Peay, Doyle Moss or anybody else, they are not doing anything illegal. They are very successful in what they do and have a faithful following just like physicians, investors and other professionals. It's just may not be the same oppinion we have. While that email bothers me a little bit, I have yet to receive an email by anybody else saying that the Bill is really bad for wildlife and hunting in general. There is where I see the problem is. JMO of course.

It's always an adventure!!!

I agree with you 100% that these conservation groups, guides and outfitters have a right to push and lobby for HB 2072, which would set aside 350 premium tags for action/raffle. I have never stated that what they are doing is illegal. However, for Mossback-Arizona to send out an email like that touting the wonderful things these tags will do for wildlife conservation without acknowledging or disclosing that Mossback and other guides would greatly benefit from these tags, seems a bit insincere. If you have a conflict or a major personal interest involved, you should disclose it.

It is similar to when John Bair votes on issues before the Wildlife Board where SFW has a major interest. As the former Chairman of SFW, I beleive that he has a conflict of interest on those particular issues. If you are not going to step aside and abstain due to the conflict, at least have the courtesy of disclosing it for the public's benefit.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
No personal interest here Hawk. I can just step back and take a non biased oppinion on this because I have been on both sides of the fence on this particular issue. I am just another regular joe that applies for everything I can afford every year. I also use every opportunity outside of hunting to improve my way of life. Some may or may not agree and I understand that oppinion. I'm sure if we were all in the contractor business, our way would be better than everybody elses and you would have to be a business idiot to advertise anything different. Bottom line - these guys are good at what they do. They have spent decades now improving their business contacts and rubbing shoulders with people that get things done. No different than anybody else with aspirations of having a successful business. I just don't see hunters coming together on any issue. Do you?

It's always an adventure!!!
Bull if you asked AZ hunters this is dividing them just like it is in every other state. Just go look at the Az forum. Like clock work a sfw employee will tell us WE need to work together after trying to pass a bogus bill by in the dark of the night.
I don't doubt that at all Deerlove. I would think that sportsmen in AZ would be very interested and vocal in this issue. Organizing and actually making that voice count is where I think we fall short as hunters and lovers of wildlife. Hunters are vocal. Just spend one day on this forum and it's very evident! Anybody notice something missing? Yep, it's people like Don Peay and Doyle Moss that are busy doing something to further their cause. I see some representatives of UWC on here and know a couple personally and I see them as one of the stronger voices of sportsmen representing the very concerns you guys bring up on a daily basis. We can ##### and moan all we want but until someone takes the bull by the horns and risks it all (livelihood, reputation, etc.) then all it is is another forum with many diverse hunter oppinions. Like I said, it's going to be the downfall of hunting as we know it.

It's always an adventure!!!
>I sent one to Triclawps to
>let them know they are
>on the craplist as well.

I wanted to take this opportunity to address this current hot topic regarding the proposed House Bill 2072 regarding Arizona's wildlife conservation. Understandably, this has been a heated and passionate event. Apathy does no service to the democratic process. We believe it is healthy and necessary as individuals to take notice and be heard anytime the future of wildlife conservation may be impacted, along with the possible effects it may have on us as sportsmen.
Having said that, Triclawps, LLC., is in the sole business of making a superior shooting platform for hunters and marksmen, period. Triclawps, LLC., is not in the business of politics. We do not and will not have a company position on HB2072.

The opinions expressed in the email posted above were sent from Jay Lopeman's personal email account, and were the personal thoughts of Mr. Lopeman himself. It was unfortunate to have our web address in Jay's automatic email signature, as it appears to have implied our official support of HB2072. It is unfair to assume that the individuals comprising Triclawps, LLC., share Jay's opinions, when in reality they could very well have no opinion, or one contrary to Mr. Lopeman. We would therefore ask that any questions, concerns, or statements regarding this email be directed to Mr. Lopeman himself, to give him the opportunity to explain or defend his beliefs.

Our company stands on its merits of manufacturing and providing the most versatile shooting support system on the market. Again, all of our efforts are spent in helping more sportsmen make more shots and thus create more memories in the field. If you'd like to discuss this further, send us an email via our website including your phone number. I'd be happy to discuss our non-position with you personally. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Jay Park
General Manager
Triclawps Outdoors
But Doyle is a great guy...bla,bla,bla.....

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
May or may not be there MTShedhedz. I guess you have to decide for yourself. I'm sure there are people that think you're a great, honest and caring guy too. I'm sure there are people that may think otherwise. Isn't it a beautiful world we live in?!

It's always an adventure!!!
I do not have any points in Arizona and I plan to be rich someday so I think this is a great move and fully support it. I am going to save the costs associated with applying each year and then use that towards a tag when this gets passed. $170 annually x 40 years = $6,800. I will be 81 and because of inflation that tag will cost $25,000+. Wait, this may not work...

I agree with much of what you have said and appreciate your positive reflections about the UWC. I adamantly agree with you about the disention between hunters and their inability or desire to come to mutual agreement on many issues regarding wildlife and their management. I too believe it will be a vital component in our downfall if not rectified. I am a staunch believer in the North American Wildlife Conservation Model, and am extremely proud that it was developed over time by OUR OWN: hunters and fishermen.

We are a passionate group, we hunters. Of that I have no doubt. Some of us tend to yell a bit louder than others, and many- too many- simply keep their thoughts to themselves, or at least don't come onto these forums and spout off. What does us no good is to turn what could be productive, informative, thought provolking discussions into personal slams against each other, with many not giving an inch on their viewpoint for any reason. At the very least, we can agree to disagree.

One of the tenets of the NAWCM is as follows: ?Democratic Rule Of Law?.

By this tenet, every single citizen in good standing has the right to help create the laws by which wildlife is governed, and allowed to participate in the taking of fish and wildlife within those set guidelines. Along with this comes a fundamental and inherent responsibility to be good stewards of the wildlife and the decisions regarding their management. A very smart and passionate man mentioned that to me today in an email, and I heartily agree with him. We all have the responsibility to voice our concerns and desires in a way that benefits the good of our wildlife and fellow hunters, I just wish more of us would do so, and do so with a unified voice?

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