Another far right hypocrite



Sen. Vitter admitted today he used the services of the DC Madam . I wouldn't think much of it but given the " better than you " attitude of our ultra conservatives this is note worthy. Vitter is a southern ultra conservative who runs his campaign on " Family values " now he's on a list of johns. funny stuff.
I think he's calling a spade a spade, and pointing out that the neocon right seems to have a lot of sex abusers and family cheats. It's also showing that the rebulican "family values" ticket is either wrong, or it's got a strange set of family values that most of america would frown upon. Oh, and as a side note I should mention that what vitter did also is a crime, unlike getting a bj in the white house. . . .
Come on Tf, you are smarter than that. We know Clinton was not impeached for a bj, but for LYING UNDER OATH and obstruction of justice.

I now see why liberals have no/low 'values', that way when they get caught doing something wrong/illegal, they can ge ta free pass. I would rather have standards and valules to strive for and fall short, than have no standards and values and fall short. Life isn't about being w/o sin, it is about striving for perfection, knowing we will come up short, but also knowing that by having values, we are better citizens and neighbors. Conservatives look for indivual accountability, while liberals look for having NO accountability for themselves and total accountability for those who have values.

so that makes the vitter your man, or is it just that you like to think the republican party is the party of "family values?"

I know why clinton was charged. I also know it's not illegal to get BJ in the white house, so asking someone if they did and then having them be less than truthful, while a sin, is understandable.

to me it's not my business if the pres is getting a bj. I dont even want to know, therefore, it should never have been an issues.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 01:31PM (MST)[p]The funniest part of this is when Clinton was tied up with escapades of flavoring cigars. Vitter wife made a public statement that she would "Bobbett her husband if he was to ever fool around on her."

This is not the first time Vitters has been caught involving himself with a prostitute or "pro" either. Oddly enough there is large portion of released telephone numbers which belong to Department of Defense.

Personally I could care less, make prostitution legal so we can all move on to the real issues at hand (no pun intended). I'm sure eventually they will find a few Dems in those number as well.

1994 Contract for America:

"Looking for a Date Senator"
"Yes, I am"
"Do you want the whole package"
"Yes I do"
"$300 an hour"
"Fantastic, can you wear a schoolgirl uniform"
"For an extra $50.00 I can"

Restoring G's Up and Ho's down in our nation's capitol.

It's o.k. though his church and wife forgive him, no harm, no foul. Let's see if his constituency forgives him come erection, I mean come election time.
I think that anyone who tries to defend everyone in EITHER party is an ass. Politicians are corrupt, people are corrupt, how that affects my conservative values I don't know. We could sit here and point out examples of liars and law-breakers on both sides, but who gives a crap. The core conservative and liberal values stay the same regardless of the actions of those elected to represent them. How retarded is it to say that since this idiot in washington cheated on his wife that somehow I should feel bad as a conservative? C'mon Hdude and Tfinal, you guys are smarter than that. That's like me saying that because some liberal senator is secretly "pro-life", that you guys and your party don't want to kill millions of babies. Now that's just not fair, is it?

LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 02:50PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 01:44?PM (MST)

Orginally posted by Tfinal

"I know why clinton was charged. I also know it's not illegal to get BJ in the white house, so asking someone if they did and then having them be less than truthful, while a sin, is understandable".

Being asked about it and being less then truthful while under oath is called felony perjury not just a sin.

As for Vitter he is a hypocrite, but it is no more fair to say all conservatives are like Vitter then it is to say all liberals hate the military.


I laugh when ever you guys on the left think you get a chance to turn the tables on the right. You act just like the people you supposedly have such disdain for. Open minded liberal, yeah right, you are no different the the rightwing apologist.

For the record, I think what this guy did qualifies him for removal of office, not just because of whta he did, but because what he did put him in a position to be blackmailed and 'forced' to do other questionable things that affect all of us. What goes on between him and his wife/church/whore is of no interest to me, as long as it doesn't affect my security and pocket book. That is why I had issues with what Bill did, because it compromised the integrety of his office by being concerned with coverups, bribes for silence, threats, etc.. If the President of the United States is allowed to LIE UNDER OATH, then who can't? The same people saying Bill should have a gotten a free pass are calling Scooters "Get out of Jail card" a travesty. The hypocrites are on both sides, one side doesn't have a stranglehold on the vice.


Whether he runs on family values or not it will be voters in his district that decide whether or not his platform is worthy of his being either reelected or sent packing. Which do you think the voters will choose?

I thought you advocated staying out of people's bedrooms.

I like your style andymansavage, which is why your are such a formidable foe and worthy opponent at the trivia challenge.

I salute you and your braincells my friend!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 02:37PM (MST)[p]
I for one am tired of listening to the Dems & the Repubs calling each other incompetent, it wastes?s time as far as I'm concerned...

Weather you're for family values or you're a decadent SOB, our country needs their (politicians) undivided attention right now, but instead their acting like a bunch of children...

No matter, it's just gonna get worst as time goes by...

Sin is fun for a season, but your sins will always find you out! Dem or Repub......

I'm beginning to believe no truly Devout Christian has any business in politics, the very word is deceptive!....

2nd Timothy 2:4 No Christian solder entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

St. Luke 6:39 And he spake a riddle unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch
In all honesty its not that big of a deal to me other than the honesty issue. We all know many of the dems will probably be on the list of the madaam. But most of them aren't constantly claiming to be a member of the party of family values.
Nemont I do advocate staying out bedrooms that are not yours, but this is national news now, he's an elected official, and it's ILLEGAL, did you forget? That makes it our business now my friend.

If it were not illegal, I'd say piss on it, who cars, but just like with bill, he crossed the line and now must pay the piper.

The bigger issues is the republican party is completely loosing it's foundation and that to me sucks. I dont like those guys driving the party into the dirt.

I agree with it being illegal and that Vitter is either one horny dog or dumber then a box of rocks or not able to get any at home. He should be prosecuted and I am certain he has lost most if not all credibility with the good people who sent him to Washington.

I find it interesting though that you give WJC a complete pass on committing felony perjury and are so uptight about Vitter's misdomeanor soliciting. I don't really understand that.

The party is rotting from the inside. Time to clean house and regain some true conservative values. I just don't see it happening anytime soon.

Nemont when did I ever say the dems were pure as driven snow? the point is the right wing elitist seem as bad if not worse than the dems. look at the Catholic church paying out millions for their perverts actions, if church officials are homo perverts why should we believe just because the religeous right favors the republicans that some how gaurantees purity? we hear all the time how the horrible dems are draging this country into the moral gutter, as far right hypocrites visit hookers , play rump ranger with congressional aids and conduct other illegal activities. just admit neither party has the moral high ground they claim they own, that's all.
Vitter is a friggin scum bag. He needs whats coming. No ecuse for a loser like him or anyone who else. Piss on all that hate the sin love the sinner crap. Dude (Vitter not our Dude) needs to go down.

I agree with Tfinal somewhat. There are a lot of screwed up Republicans taking the party down. It is time to clean house.

T, what exactly is a "neocon"?

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