Another Fallen Hero

I knew this post was about him! Great post. Loved that show and the books. My grandpa was there in France as an MP right after the Normandy invasion. Family legend has it that he actually was ordered to drop in the D-Day jump - he was a paratrooper - but his orders got lost and he didn't get them until the day after D-Day! At any rate he survived Normandy and the War. He died when I was 12, man I wish I had known him better!

Rest in peace Major Winters - thank you for your selfless service sir!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Once in a while there is a person that you wished you could have met and talked with for a little while. I always thought it would be great to be able to listen to some of ##### Winters stories because men like him are not common. RIP Major Winters.
My hat comes off to Major Winters. Thanks for all you've done for this country sir.
My Dad is currently 92 and was in World War 2 as a Marine and fought in Iwo Jima. My family is currently taking videos of him telling his stories which he NEVER would talk about when us kids were growing up.
Thank you to ALL war veterans, old and new. fatrooster.
My Dad as of the first week in January 2011 pictured with myself.
That's great Drew that your doing that with your Dad and more importantly that he is willing to share his memories.

I cannot begin to imagine what Iwo Jima must have been like for the soldiers that landed on that island.

Congratulations and tell your Dad "Thank You" for all his service for our country.

Nice picture Drew of the both of you and great to see your dad looks in good shape for his age. BUT did you need to sit on him with that "fatroosterbutt"...LOL.............J/K Wish him well and great picture.

Good thoughts philthy.

My father passed away two years ago. I have this photo taken shortly before he died. He landed on Utah beach and was on the outskirts of Berlin when Germany surrendered. Like so many others, he never considered himself a hero.

I have about an hour and a half of video I took of him telling his story.

Band of Brothers has to be one of the best war movies ever made. After I watched I thought that I would have loved to sit down and talk to all of those guys for a while.
Eel.... which one is you? Both are good looking guys!

Seriously those gentlemen & ladies are truly the greatest generation.

A sincere salute to all who serve.

Eelgrass, thats cool that you have an hour and a half of your Dad telling his story. Priceless! We are so lucky to be or have been in the presence of such people. fatrooster.

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