Another Elk tag dilemma


Very Active Member
So I drew the Book Cliffs roadless early tag, and come to find out my dad drew the same tag. We put in separately and he had one more point than me. The dilemma is that we want to hunt together, and are worried that we will not be able to find two shooter bulls, if we are hunting together instead of splitting up.
We are debating on one of us turning in our tag and hunt two years in a row.

What would you do?

You better just turn them both in...

Are you kidding? Both of you go hunt and have fun! Don't over think or over stress it!

If you send one tag back, the tags holder will shoot a decent bull, then while your packing it out a monster 440 8X8 with trash will follow you, screaming and trying to fight the pack horse.

Go hunting while you can, nobody knows WHAT will happen next year.

Send both of them tags back!

And wait till only one of you draw!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
You have to be kidding. How can you look at this as a problem. Hunting is about the experience and I can think of no better experience than sharing a hunt with my Father. Bring some other family members or friends to help with the hunt and you will have a memory that you will BOTH have forever.
I have a little different way of thinking about this than the others have posted. First do you have plenty of horses? Hauling 2 bulls out of there will be a HUGE chore. 2nd, if you are sure you would draw the tag again next year with the amount of points you have, hunt it two years in a row with your dad...double the memories in an awesome place imo.
I'm with Marley. The stress I went through on my LE hunt was crazy! I wouldn't wanna share that valuable time with anyone else with a tag. My dad joined me for my archery hunt, then the very next year I joined him on his muzzy hunt. That was the best two years of my life! If you can draw the tag next year do it!

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON May-18-12 AT 10:41PM (MST)[p]i agree with marley. only way id keep both is if you guys were no where near max points. flip a coin to see who turns back. maybe you could kill 2 shooters and maybe not. it can be tough to find one big bull let alone 2 while while having a full day too pack the first one out.

the stress of le tags is tremendous and one of you needs to have the clear head and not be stressed out. i think if you keep both tags you will feel pressure to put a less then par bull down when it gets to the wire. if you think its pretty likely you can pull the tag agian next year turn one back its to stressful. plus next year you will have figured the place out really good and will likely benefit the next year
I drew the wasatch last year and so did my dad. We didnt put in together but ended up drawing together. We thought about turning in one tag but in the end chose not to. The best elk hunt I ever went on and we both got bulls we were happy with. Good luck on what you decide.
Send tag back and hunt again next year.

You will learn a lot the first year and have a great hunt second year.

Very hard to find 2 quality animals in one season.

Let your Dad hunt this year.
Go hunt and have a great time together. Two tags is a great problem to have in a family. I wouldn't think u guys would put in for the roadless unit if u didn't have a plan to get animals out. U would be kicking yourself for a long time if u turned back a tag and watched the bull of your dreams walking away from U instead of putting 1 more bull down on what could be the best hunt of both your lives so far. Keep em both man and go hunt... Don't stress it.
Hunt with your dad this year, turn your tag back in, and hunt yours next year. Now you to focus on dad (not sure how old he is), have less presure to get it done, and learn a bunch for next year.

This is an awesome oppurtunity. 2 years of anticiapation and hunting a great unit.
Thanks for the replies guys. I know many of you say not to stress it, but the reality of not having another tag in Utah for 20+ years leaves a lot riding on the hunt. With that being said, I think we could get the job done on two quality bulls in the same year......but what if we couldn't? My dad had 15 points and I had 14 to draw these tags. My dad is in his early 50's and in great shape, and we do have horses. I have offered to turn my tag back in, as he has waited longer to hunt a big bull than I have, however my dad won't hear it. He says he would rather turn his tag in and hunt with's a dad thing I guess. He will draw the tag again next year with his points, so that's probably the way were going to go. Either way we are both stoked, and ready for two of the best hunting years of our lives!

Thanks again for the input.

My dad having the exact tag last year was one of the greatest hunts I will ever be a part of in the roadless with my dad. I was able to focus on him and roll out the red carpet for his once in a lifetime hunt. There is no wrong or right but I suggest you see which your dad truly prefers and then turn the other tag in and spread the fun to two years. Another consideration is that once the first bull hits the dirt, you are looking at a minimum of a day and a half before you pack one out, get it to a freezer in Moab and get back in to hunt again. Btw, still no hit for me with more points than you had. Whatever you do, dont call it a dilemma buddy. Congrats and I will share everything I know to help either one of you get the bull of your dreams.
You will not be disappointed! Time spent with the dad is priceless. My dad and I did the same thing with antelope four years ago. We shot a good antelope the year I drew but it was more of a learning experience. We learned a lot about antelope that year. When my dad drew we were ready to knock em dead. We ended up finding and killing the 4th biggest antelope in Utah!
I am just saying, combined efforts produce better results and memories to share together for a lifetime. Plus, more time in a LE unit and more experience. When it is your dad's turn you will be ready to knock 'em dead!
Turn Dad's tag back, go hunt and learn the unit, dad draws next year and he'll have the best experience of his life sharing it with his kid.
LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! is to short anything could happen loss of life, loss of job etc just go hunt and make great memories. I could hunt with my budy all the time and have a few times at the end of the hunts. We have turned up some NICE animals we could probably turn up big bucks every year but i hunt with my grandpa most of the hunt. At 69 he is still in pretty good shape. I dont know how much time he has left and want to make the best of it why he has his health. I'll hunt with my friend down the road and be glad i hunted with my grandpa. I would go together i look at it is there is a reason for it you guys put in separate and both struck gold. Whatever you do best of luck to ya guys hope you guys make good memories and kill nice bulls. I wish i could draw a tag soon so my grandpa could be with me when i pull that trigger.
Too often we get caught up in the score and size. I would be excited to get to do it together. If the competition or score pressure is too much they I would hang up my gun and go golfing. 30 or so inches of antler just is that important to me.

Life is short and fragile. You never know when it will throw a curve ball and one of you might not be able to go next time around. I can think of no better way to remember this type of hunt than a photo standing side by side with my Dad and our bulls at camp. I don't get to do it with him anymore, so maybe I am bias, but it only took one day to end our hunts together and there are 480 days between today and next year's hunt.

If you are set on turning a tag in then it has to be Dad's. He has more points and will have a better chance to draw next year. Who knows what they will change in 12 months....

--That sounded a little preachy, but I guess I am just a proponent of families hunting together. Do what you want and kill one that makes you happy. You are one of the good guys out there and deserve it.

I'm in the hunt them together group. When my dad was 52, we hunted together in deer/elk camp. One year later we had his funeral (cancer). Life happens too quickly & sometimes there is no "next year". Go hunting & don't over think it.
Thank you for your comments guys. I appreciate them. I have forwarded this thread to my dad. We'll give it until the emails come out and then he can decide what he wants to do.

Either way we are hunting big bulls this fall!!!!!!!!!

Ya baby!!!!!!!!!!


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