Another dog post. Fila Brasileiro


Long Time Member
Iv'e been a chow fan for most of my adult life. Got my first one in 1981 and have had several since. My latest one died a few months ago and I wanted something different to keep my Husky company. And I wanted a good watchdog. Huskies are useless as watchdogs...

Anyone else have one?

Anyway, the wife and I settled on this one. Jughead is his name. 12 weeks old and he is an eating machine. 50lbs at the vet check yesterday. Amazingly quiet and affectionate with my grandson, good with the cats and every other dog yet pretty ballsy with any adult who has shown up at our house.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Never had one; but like most mastiff type dogs, they will be a great watchdog.

If you can handle the food bills, watch him around little kids (because of his size), he should make a great family dog/watchdog.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Let me guess. If you pet him for 10 minutes, all the wrinkles come out and he turns into a 1200 pound pack mule. LOL!

Great looking dog.
Is that a Bloodhound? Kinda looks like a dehydrated backpacking meal. Just add water.

Good luck with your new beast,

LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-09 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]Awwwww! A bloodhound! (right???)

We loved my brother's bloodhound. We bawled and bawled the day we had to put him down. So sad!



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