Another Colorado bighorn



This was took in Colorado this year 2nd season.

Add in the lamb tips and it looks to be 9 or 10 years old. Beautiful ram! Congratulations.
Thanks guys. The ram was taken by me on the 6th day of my hunt. The DOW aged him at 12 years and he ended up measuring out to 167.
Really, that's all I can
Congralations. That is a true trophy.
Thanks for posting.
Anymore details on the hunt?

Congrats on a very fine ram. Patience and persistence pays off. What mass! Great Ram, Way to go!
I've attached one more photo along with a story I wrote up earlier. I hope it's not to long nor bothersome.


Well the adrenaline is still going hard after 36 plus hours with 2 hours sleep. I finally brought down the last load today at about 2:30. The good news is we put some back straps on the grill and the kids, wife, and myself put a hurting to it quick.

Well just to fill you in on the details, Here is pretty much how it went. As you know I was bumping into a few other tag holders and knew this wasn't the thing to be doing with such a special tag. I decided to go check out a few slides that I knew held sheep. Right away I spotted four rams that were using a certain slide and occasionly they would be joined by another three rams. One of those three rams was very good at that. Well I would see these rams each morning and each morning and evening I would make the climb to see if I could get in on them. I could always get close, but not close enough. The wind was totally unreliable. The funny thing is even though I was getting busted day in and out, I felt I was getting closer and closer. For some reason I was visualizing the shot and knew it would come. I climbed high one night and spotted two very large rams. Body wise those rams were in the neigborhood of 300 pounds and were very heavy as well as long. I slid down the slide only to kick up about 10 ewes and lambs. When I finally got to the slide, I figured the rams were gone but they couldn't see the ewes due to a drop in terrain. I setup on these rams and was about 60 yds out when I was stuck and figured they'd just feed up to me. Then as normal, the wind switched and they were gone. These were very large rams and it was frustrating to see them run off when they were in a very tight slide which would have been a great shot if offered. I then headed down and right as I was getting down, I saw 3 rams that were right above me. Again I climbed up and got to about 80 yds and dark was setting in. I got to see a nice ram lip curl and scent check a few ewes. The next morning I was up at 3:30 and climbing to the spot where the big ram and ewes were the night before. When I got there I was surrouned by ewes and could make no approach. I just sat and watched them feed never seeing the rams. Then I heard a little bah, bah, and one of the lambs had got seperated from the herd and almost ran over the top of me. I could then hear the ewe calling to the lamb and they reunited. This all happened within 50 yds of me. I could hear the young lamb sucking on the ewe she was that close. When the opportunity arose I backed out and got to a point where I could see better and there they were, the three rams I'd been chasing. It was about 9am at this point and I began to climb. I did't get to the top until about 11 and got lazy and walked through a small clearing on the side of the hill and bumped two rams from there beds. Our eyes met at the same time and off they went. I was frustrated at this point. It wasn't even mid-day and I was done hunting because I had jumped the rams. I then backed off of the slide by about 100yds and just sat there. I was thinking about how hard the climb had been and now the rams were gone. This had been going on for the last three days and I was begining to feel these rams were un-killable. I decided I would sit the day out right there way off the slide and just peak into the slide if the wind was decent. I passed that long day by sharpening my broadheads, knives, and so on. I took a short nap but was constantly being waken up by the roaring winds as well of the thought of those rams. I told myself at 4pm I would take a peek into the slide. At 3:45 I was looking down the slide and there not 100 yds from me was a good ram bedded in some tall weeds. The wind at that point was good. It was blowing so hard it was scary. There were trees shredding in front of me. The pine cones were flying. I decided to move in quick this time instead of moving slowly because it seemed I always got busted by going slow allowing the wind to change. I ended up circling above the ram and coming down. I was way off. I couldn't believe he didn't see me, but I headed back up to adjust. Upon coming down, I spotted two other rams right below me feeding. Again the wind was blowing very hard and I dropped down quickly. Before I knew it I was 30 yds from the rams and noticed one of them was very nice but was facing wrong. Again I dropped down and wound up 25 yds from the rams. I was ready to shoot right there, but the wind was blowing way to hard. I decided to get down and close the distance. I got to about 20 yds of the rams. The only thing that seperated us now was a few aspens not much bigger than a dowl rod. At this point the wind was still going strong and I was getting worried. The 3/4 ram was now less than 20yds from me and broadside. The larger ram was facing me just eating away. I brought my bow up to hide behind and got ready for the big ram to turn. In that time he would keep looking up at me with his little slanted eyes. He was chewing grass looking right at me no less than five times. Each and every time I thought it was over all along the 3/4 was right in my lap. I kept looking for the bedded ram because I felt he was going to be the one who busted me. I never could see him. The big ram was now broadside but the 3/4 was right behind him and there was no shot. Then the large ram walked away from him and it was perfect.... Except now the 3/4 was looking at me. I couldn't believe it. Was it going to happen or would it be a huge let down when I got busted? Finally the 3/4 started to feed away from me. The big guy was still right in front of me but quartering to me. I decided to drop down a bit to cut the angle a bit and perhaps gain a few more yds. I then got set and was off my knees and actually standing with the bow canted. The ram was now right there and the aspens were in the way. I knew if the ram, looked at me now, it might get interesting but he never did. He hit about a 12 inch gap in the aspens and I drew back.He then stepped towards me and I had to let down. I couldn't believe it. This ram was huge, less than 20yds from me and still I couldn't get a shot. Then he did the un-thinkable. He turned a bit and was reaching for some grass and opened up his whole side in a quatering away pose as he was eating. I remember clear as day seeing that little black arm pit and coming to full draw. I released and crack! Both rams were heading down the slide one with a arrow hanging out of him. I immediately ran into the slide to keep a visual on them. They ran about a 125 yds down the slide and into the timber. Then the panic set in. Did I get enough penetration? There was a lot of arrow hanging out. When I shot, my arrow was really affected by the wind. It wasn't that pretty dart look but more like I threw it from the nock end with my hands. In other words wobblig bad from the wind. I then waited 1 hour and began to trail. I found no blood for the first 75 yds and then found a little bit of dark red blood. I knew I hit a rib on entry because of the sound, and was now thinking liver hit. I decided I would walk to the timber where the rams went in and see if he was laying there. As I got to that spot, I found where the rams entered a small aspen grove and immediately found my arrow snapped off on the first tree. I then felt good, because I had more than a foot of arrow inside the ram. This same thing happened to me a few years back on an elk. I shoot 33 inch arrows and it seems if I don't blow through the animal that I always have alot of arrow hanging out due to their length. I then got about 5 yds into the timber and found no blood. I decide right there I would wait till morning and turned around to walk away when the wind blew that scent only a hunter knows. I turned around and walked about 10 yds forward and there, there was my ram. I slowly walked up and sure enough it was over. I couldn't believe it, I had just taken my first ram. Upon further inspection, I hit the ram perfectly centered and about 5 inches back of the crease in his shoulder. The total distance he covered was about 150 yds. I then called a good friend to tell him I had just taken a ram and he said he'd be up. We got down off that mountain at 3am which is another story in itself.
That's a great story. You are one cool hombre. I did the panic thing prior to the shot. Way to keep it together! Great pictures and memories to last a lifetime. Again, I congratulate you.
...and with a long bow, no less. Geeze, and that was your first one. What does a guy have to do to challenge himself these days? Next time leave the bow and hunt with your knife! What a ram, and what a memory to have. Hard earned are the best ones, way to go.
Ya done good cazador! Sorry I couldn't make it over, I was in the Holy Cross Wilderness as you know. You guys in 2nd season in S-32 kicked butt on harvests!! Thanks for sharing over here on M&M site.
oh-hum, another long and bothersome sheep story....totally just kidding of course...great pics and great story...i hate it when those kind of stories end. congratulations to you, arvada, on a fine looking animal. you earned every bit of it, as i am sure you don't have to be there a mount in the near future? if so, would love to see pics of it...again, congratulations
Well I got him back from Barry. I know photos on a wall don't do animals justice but here he is. Barry did a great job on the ram and I would recommend him for sure. It's nice to sit back and drink a cold one all alone in the living room.

Beautiful mount!
WOW, you had some quick turn-around time on that thing. I see your 1st post was on December 15th, when did you shoot it? Getting it back in 3-4 months is pretty good.
Congrats again, I'm still waiting for my chance.


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